Chapter Twenty Two |Forgiveness|

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"Chris, seriously wake up. My mom is coming back and I'm not supposed to have company" I said trying to wake him

"Since when have your mom cared that I was here?" He asked as he leaned up. His eyes were bloodshot red, he wasn't even himself right now

"Just leave..I don't want you here" I said lowly. I didn't wanna say it but at the same time I did

"You're just upset cause I didn't eat you ou-

"Chris I'm serious!" I yelled over him. He smacks his teeth, throws the cover off him and stand to his feet.

"I don't even know why you came. I didn't ask you to come over" I said now following him down the steps

"You know what Avery I don't know either. I don't know why I bothered to show up. Maybe it's cause I wanted to talk about the reason why you kissed me. Or no wait...the reason why you still get mad if I'm talking to another girl. You're not my problem to deal with anymore so stop worrying about the shit I do cause I only do it to get back at you! You don't think I still care about you? I love you but your just too fucking much." And with that being said he grabbed the doorknob to leave but at the same time my mom was walking in.

"Fuck" I said to myself


"So I'm confused. Are you guys together or not?" My mom asks Chris and I. She forced us to sit and talk about something we've already heard before

"Why don't you ask Avery" Chris states then turns my way

"Just stop blaming me ok? I know I'm the reason why we broke up, but so are you. You know what you did and it wasn't right. Yes I still love you Chris and wish things went differently, but I'm not about to sit here and let you put all this blame on me. If you were in my shoes feeling the way I felt when you told me what happened you probably would've done the same thing as me and make the right decision for the sake of our relationship." I said taking short pauses as I spoke

"Avery...let me take you out tomorrow" Chris says grabbing my hands. Did he really just change the subject?

"Ooh no. Last time you two went out on a date you two-"

"We knooow" Chris and I spat out at the same time. It kinda threw me off once I started reminiscing on that day.

"Listen...this is different. I wanna go as friends and see how it goes. A simple out to eat type thing to warm up to each other again. Sounds cool?" He asked me

"Avery is still grounded, but I guess I can make an exception" my mom says crossing her arms

"Ms. Jennifer, I promise to take good care of your daughter and keep my hands to myself." Chris says. I chuckle.

"Fine, but it's up to Avery." They both stare at me

"I guess" I said unsure. Chris smiles widely

"Ok, I'll pick you up at...8 maybe?"

"That's fine" I said. He says his goodbyes and leaves. I'm not 100% sure how tomorrow is gonna go. Today was him being an asshole and coming over here high. I'm over that tho. Once we kissed the first one blew my mind away like I've been missing the man of my dreams, but after we got more intense it felt like nothing. I'm confusing myself on how I feel about him. It's like it's too late...but I don't know. I'm definitely not ready for tomorrow

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