Because They're Perfect (Stella x Rain !Angst!)

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Author's Note: Okay, yes. I know. I literally just posted an update saying that I probably won't be writing anything anytime soon. But then I felt super guilty and had an idea...I hope you guys enjoy this one since I don't usually write too much angst. Also, keep in mind that Abigail is, in fact, alive in this AU.

Stella watched as Abigail said something that made Rain laugh. Oh, how she wished that was her. 

How she wished that she could be the one who made him laugh, who got hugs from him from behind, who kissed him and made him smile.

How she wished.

Focusing her eyes back on her book, she tried to blink the small tears away. Stupid, she thought. Why are you crying? If he doesn't love you, then he doesn't love you. So why are you crying?  But she knew why. 

Because it really should have been her. 

It had been her who saved him when he was dying. She stuck by his side when he had no one else, she had made him smile once, why? Why was it that she would never be enough? Why was it that, in the end, Rain always went back to Abigail? Yes, they had grown up together, but Stella had been there for him through all of the highs and lows.

So why?

Because Rain was perfect. And Abigail was perfect. And Stella was not.

Because Abigail was so beautiful, with her pretty ginger hair and her large, sparkling eyes. When she laughed, even Stella had to admit that the sound was alluring. She lit up the room and made everyone around her happy. As her friend. Stella knew that Abigail had a truly kind soul and would be a perfect match for Rain.

And Rain, with his sharp mind and unique sense of humor, would always be there for Abigail and would never hurt her or break her heart.

Stella sighed and closed her eyes, wanting to just...make Abigail disappear. She knew that it was wrong and that she shouldn't be thinking like this, but it was true. 

Sometimes, she did imagine that it was her instead. But in the end, that's all it was; imagination. It would never be real, and she had finally come to let that truth into her heart. 

Let it sink in that, as much as she loved Rain, it would never be her and him.

Because Abigail and Rain?

They were perfect.

So...I hope that you all liked that short piece of writing. Thank you so much for reading!


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