Forgive Me (Ceris x Herobrine)

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Uh...this story is...interesting. It was actually kinda hard for me to write, but I hope you like it.

He wasn't always like this. Before he changed, he was different. We were best friends, even lovers at a time. He had a good heart, but not anymore.

Herobrine scowled as he threw his dagger at the target. It hit, but nowhere near the center. I laughed.

He frowned and asked, "Why are you laughing? You missed completely!"

"I don't know. I guess it's because you're the one teaching me and you can't hit the center!" I replied still smiling.

He grinned and said, "Okay, okay. Fine."

"Come on. Take a break." He nodded and sat next to me. I was only 8 years old at the time. "Herobrine...why do we train so hard?"

He sighed. "Because of the mobs, Ceris. They will attack us just like how they attack the villagers."

"I wish that we didn't have to fight. If we could control them, then we could use them to protect us and our village! Like I do with the Endermen!"

He smiled at that idea. He was 2 years older than me, so I guess he knew that we could never control the mobs. Oh how wrong he was.

"Okay, okay. How about this," he began. I tilted my head in curiosity. "When I grow up, I'll be the king of all the mobs! You could be my queen, and they can protect us!"

I thought for a moment, then beamed. "Okay! Then I can be the End queen and the queen of the mobs!" Then we continued to train. I trained hard so that I could be ready for that future when it came. But that future never came.

Years later, I was 19 and Herobrine was 22. We loved each other very much and fought side by side. On this particular day, we were fighting the Wither that was attacking our village. Homes were destroyed and villagers lay dead around us, yet we still fought. I pulled back an arrow and let it go, hitting the Wither. It did little to no damage, though. We kept shooting arrows, but it wasn't going to do much.

Herobrine scowled and said, "This is useless. I'm going up there with my sword!"

"Herobrine, no!" I cried. But it was too late. Herobrine jumped, sword ready to swing. But before he could, the Wither shot out a silver skull. Silver? It's skulls where black! Why was it silver? "No!" but all of my screaming did nothing. Looking back, I should have done something. Something to save him, so that others didn't have to die later. But instead, I stood there, watching in horror as the skull hit him, blasting him out of the sky. I cried his name, but there was no reply. I grabbed my sword. Not my iron one, but the Ender Greatsword. My sadness turned to hate, and I lunged at the Wither. I don't actually remember much, but the next thing I remember was waking up in the End. Around me was darkness, and there were Endermen below.

"Good, you're awake," a voice said from beside me. I quickly turned and saw Vordus, the End king.

"Oh, Vordus. It's just you," I said relieved. I had met Vordus a couple of times when I had visited the End, even though I spent most of my time in the Overworld.

"Yes, my queen." I blinked.


"Yes. You are 20, no?" What?

" long have I been unconscious?"

"One month." One month. One month. My birthday had passed. My breath was heavy, and my heart beat faster and faster.

"I-is Herobrine..." My voice trailed off.

"My queen...Herobrine is the king of the mobs." I froze. What? How? When? "It is a good thing you woke up at the time you did. Herobrine is planning an attack on the End today." I just couldn't breathe. Why would he do this? I didn't want to fight him. But my duty was to protect the End. I would talk to him...or try.

"Prepare the Endermen," was all I said. But I had said it firmly. Vordus nodded and went off. A few minutes later, I heard battle cries. I looked below and saw that the battle had begun.

I didn't care. Didn't care for the mobs that I killed relentlessly. But when I turned and found him standing there, I couldn't move. What had happened to him? He looked normal except for his eyes, which were a glowing white.

"Herobrine," I said. My voice broke.

"Ceris." His voice was dry and emotionless.

"Please...I don't want to fight you." I was on the brink of crying.

"Well...that makes one of us." Then he charged at me with his enchanted diamond sword. I leapt to the side, avoiding death. I wasn't going to kill him. He growled and lunged for me again. I had a plan in mind, but I hated it. A few tears fell, but I ignored them.

As he ran towards me, I whispered, "I'm so sorry." Then I reached out in front of me and focused all my power. Magic exploded inside of me, and a Nether Portal opened. Herobrine's eyes widened as he realized what he was running into. But it was too late. He went through, and the portal closed. "Forgive me," I whispered. Then the darkness claimed me.

That memory flashed in my mind as I came to the Frostbourne's aid. But now when I fought him, my heart was ice. I no longer cared for him. I picked him up by the neck and waited. My sword spawned down below, and I threw him. He winced in pain as my sword pierced him. Without a second thought, I flew upward, readying my arm blades. Then I flew downwards. He closed his eyes, and I brought down my blades upon his head, ending his life.

Then I whispered one last time, "Forgive me."

Rainimator One Shots ♥️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora