Far Apart Love Pt. 2 (Daryll x Stella)

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Sorry for the long wait, everyone. But here it is!

Daryll wasn't acting like himself. At all. Every time I tried to talk to him, he would just wave me off. I saw him less and less, until I barely saw him at all. Did I do something to him? Not that I remember. I also saw Rain less often, which made me lonely. I still had Azura, but I didn't really want to bother her. I pursed my lips together and stood up. Okay, fine. I would talk to Azura about Daryll. Maybe she knew why he was acting...odd.

I knocked on Azura's door.

"Come in," a female voice said. I opened the door and walked inside. Her room was the way it had always been. Azura turned and faced her. "Oh, Stella. Do you need anything?"

"Uh, no...I just wanted to talk." She nodded. I sat down and began. "Daryll's been...acting weird. He's been distant and ignoring me. I-I don't know if I did anything wrong, or if- "

"Stella...it...was both you and...not you." I blinked in confusion. Huh? What did she mean?


"Well...you see, Daryll...came in here a few weeks ago and...told me something..."

I knew that I shouldn't ask, but I did anyways because I needed to know if I could fix this. "Er...what did he tell you exactly?" Azura hesitated, debating whether or not to tell me.

Then she took a deep breath and said, "Well...I don't really know how to tell you this, but...he told me that he loved you. I...I think that he wanted to tell you a couple of weeks back...when you were in the garden...but uh, he kind of saw you with Rain..." Oh. Oh god. Did he think...oh no. No, no, no.

"Azura, is there any way that I can fix this? Please..." I begged.

Azura thought. Then she said, "Just talk to him. When was the last time you two talked?"

I thought. It had been a while... "Uh...2-3 weeks..." Ouch. That sounded terrible out loud.

"Yeah, talking would be a good start. But Stella...you need to ask yourself...do you love him?" I blinked. Did I? Did I love him back? Age had never had any effect on me. So...yes. Yes, I did love him back. He had been a good friend to me, been there for me when I needed it.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Azura shook her head. "Don't tell me. Tell him." I closed my mouth and nodded.

"I...I will. Thank you, Azura."

"Anytime." I got up and left the room, heart beating faster than ever.

(Daryll's POV)

I didn't know what I felt anymore. I couldn't tell when I was dreaming from when I wasn't. I stayed in my room all day, only coming out once or twice to eat. I didn't see Stella anymore, and honestly...I didn't want to see her. I wasn't mad at her, I just...needed a break. A very long one. So I sat there, thinking. And thinking. And thinking.

I jumped when I heard a knock at my door. I didn't move to answer it. Then the door opened, and I almost turned and growled at the person to get out, but the person was...Stella.

I blinked "Daryll...I don't love him." Stella said quietly.

I blinked again. "What I mean is...I don't love Rain."

"I only want you to be happy. If you're happy with Rain, then...be with him. I'll...be okay," I said quietly.

Stella's eyes softened as she said, "I...I'm happy when I'm with you, Daryll." 

I froze, unsure what to say to her. "Stella, our age-"

"Age has never mattered to me, Daryll. That doesn't change now."

"Then I love you, Stella."

She smiled and said, "And I love you too." She embraced me, and I'll admit, I was a little surprised. Age has never mattered to me. Perhaps she was right. Maybe their age difference didn't matter. And perhaps he didn't care either. Even if this was far apart love, it was still love.

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