Always Together (Rain x Stella)

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Next one shot! Thanks to MeghanMakesFaN for the idea and my BFF for helping me out so much!

I hate being Nether Kin. Very much. My urges to hurt others have calmed and are under control, but that doesn't stop people from hurting me. I smiled noticeably less and wore my hat to mask the horns. But no matter what I did, I always knew that I wasn't normal anymore. I was never normal, being from the witch clan, but now it was worse than ever. Even the Frostbourne acted differently around me. Ser Patrick stayed away from me, and Lady Azura wasn't the same around me. And Rain. I tried to stay away from him so I wouldn't hurt him again like before. The next day, I decided to go for a walk since I haven't gone outside much. I kept my head low and tried not to look at anyone, although others stared, pointed, and whispered. Then one of the villagers approached me. 

  "We don't accept your kind here, Nether Kin!" he shouted angrily. Without warning, he kicked me. Hard. I fell onto the street on my side. 

  "What is your problem?" I ask harshly. I had been bullied like this, but not like this. He didn't answer, but instead continued to kick me. I yelped in pain. When he grew tired of kicking, he began to punch me really hard. It hurt so much, and eventually I realize that I was covered in blood. The guy who was beating me up was panting. He walked closer to me and gave me one final blow to the head before the darkness claimed me.

  (Rain's POV)  

I sit on my bed, thinking about Stella. She had been...distant lately, to say the least. Every time I tried to talk with her, she would just keep eyes on the floor and walk away. I wanted to tell her that I will always love her, but I she just wouldn't let me. I heard a knock on the door and I opened it. It was Lady Azura. 

"Rain, it's Stella." she was breathing hard, like she had ran a really far distance to find me. My eyes widen in concern. 

"Is she okay? What happened to her? Tell me Azura!" I begin to shake her.

"Rain! That's not helping!"

"Sorry, sorry."

"She's in the infirmary. She was beaten by a villager," Azura explains. Something explodes inside of me, and I realize that it's anger. Pure, hot, anger.   

"Let me see her," I say firmly.   

"Rain, I don't think-"   

"Let. Me. See. Her." She moves out of the way and I run to the infirmary as fast as I can. When I get there, Stella is unconscious. I swallow hard. She had bruises and cuts everywhere. Oh...what did that villager do to her? The anger inside me bursts again. I would find that villager and- I snap out of that thought because Stella opens her eyes.   

"Rain? How are you here? I thought you were doing something else," she asks softly.  

"When I heard you were here, I came here as fast as I could."  

"Why?" I blink. 

"Because I love you a lot. And I will always be here for you." 

 She swallows and says quietly, "I thought...I thought that once you saw what I was, you would leave me. Like everyone else."  

"No one's left you Stella. And certainly not me."  

"Then why do they act differently around me now?"  

"I won't deny that they act differently now, but they are fools if they don't accept you now." She stays silent for some time. 

"Thank you Rain. I love you too." And with that, I hug her. And now just to find that villager...

I know I said that I would do Staryll, but I decided to hold that off until I do Ceribrine! Please feel free to request and to give me feedback as always!

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