♡Everything About Stage One 😇

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The first stage is all about YOUR books, and how well the judges think you can write. Firstly, there will be ten people in each category, and three winners for each one. The twenty-four winners will advance onto Stage Two, which you'll learn about later. 

You pick submit up to three books in total. The eight categories are listed below:


Action/Adventure - FULL

Historical Fiction - FULL

Romance - FULL

Dystopian/Science Fiction -FULL

General Fiction - FULL

Mystery/Paranormal - FULL

Fantasy - FULL

Fanfiction - FULL

Now, here is the form that you must fill out to submit a book. If you're entering more than one book, please submit more than one comment. Also, please don't submit a book for a genre if the genre is full. Thank you!

Book Title:
Number of Chapters:
Follow the Rules?:
Tags 4+:

Okay, now if you could please patiently wait for a reply and we'll get you started!

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