♢Stage Three Prompt😇

37 5 1

First off, a huge thank you to my lovely friend _lapisqueen_ for writing it!

Here it is:

I thanked the kindly old man for letting me pass him on escalator, then moved on with my journey. So many different emotions were passing through me; excitement, courage, fear. but I wouldn't let any of them stop me from making my way through life. I was an adult now. I could handle things myself. This was the first big step for me: moving to a different state. Going from California to New York was, of course, a big jump for me, but it was finally time to prove to my family I was an independent person. I took a deep breath as I navigated my way through the airport, feeling confident and happy. Of course, until, I saw him. 

Check in the comments to find it again so you can copy and paste! Now, here are the rules:

- you can either write it in a google docs or on your wattpad story.
- due date is August 30th. dm me the link to your story.
- word count between 4000-8000, excluding the prompt
- be original! this story can be anything you want it to be.
- if on a wattpad story, please give credit to _lapisqueen_ !

I will be judging this round! This is my rubric:

Characters /20
Plot /20
Description /20
Grammar & Vocabulary /10
Originality /10
Writing Style /10

Great! You're all set. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Now have fun <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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