♡Judging Rubric Stage One 😇

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Hey there judges! Here is the rubric you will follow for Stage One. Don't forget to follow the authors of the books you are judging, and contestants, don't forget to follow your judge. Once you finish, please DM all your rubrics to me in a neat Google Docs. 

You can read however many chapters you'd like, but the reccommended is 5-10 chapters, not including authors note, cast, etc.

The five books you'll be judging are in the chapter, "Stage One Contestants." Your username will be above five books, and those five books will be the ones you're judging. If you're confused, DM me and I'll send a list of your books.

Here it is:

Plot /20

Characters /20

Story Flow & Pace /20

Writing Style /20

Grammar & Vocabulary /10

First Impact /10

Overall Score /100

I can send you a copy once you type "read" in the comments!!

Drop your comment here -->>

Have fun judging everyone!!

Side note: judges, once you've got all five books to judge, please confirmed that you have followed all your contestants and they are following you!

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