the nigurashi mountain cave

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Arrived at the Nigurashi Mountains, Team Guy makes their way into the cave in which they are supposed to find a lost scroll.

The cave is wet and cold, unwelcoming at best. The ceiling isn't very high either, the emerging stalactites hanging from the very top of the cave walls.

They should be cautious and quiet since a gang of bandits is living here, a brutal group that lives in this cave. They have no further connection to the scroll but they ares till stepping into their territory and planned to avoid a fight as it would be unnecessary. 

For a while they keep walking the cave tunnel on light and sneaky footsteps until the path comes to a split. Both ways look exactly the same: dark. 

Neji activates his Byakugan and tries to figure out which path leads to the bandits. They are instructed that the scroll is in a main chamber, bigger than the rest. Neji tries to feel the charka flow of the bandits but something is preventing his view. It is like a barrier. In both tunnels.

He communicates this to the group and Tenten throws Kunai in borht tunnels to see if any alarm goes up. But there is nothing. Neji, too, can't find any signs for a trap but advises the others to be careful.

They decide to split the group. Lee and Guy go left and Neji and Tenten right.

As they were just rushing in each direction, suddenly an explosion echos through the right tunnel and the cave comes down. The stalactites rushing to the ground and splitting it open, the noise all consuming.

Neji and Tenten weren't careful enough, they must have overlooked a trap. Neji used his Juuken (Hakke Shou Kaiten) to shelter himself and Tenten in a space formed by his rotating chakra from the falling stones. 

When the consequences of the explosion seemed to have stopped Neji and Tenten were trapped in a tight place surrounded by stones but they were fine.

"Neeejii!!! Tenntennn!!!" They could faintly her Lee and Guy yell.

"We're here!!" Tenten yells back, feeling sorry for Nejis ears.

Neji tries to find a way out of this hole that the fallen rocks have formed. It appears to be stable but as soon as Neji tries to push the rocks out of the way it caves in even more. He is pushed even further to Tenten as more space is taken away from them.

"There! Guy Sensei, they must be here." Lee noticed the movement of the stones Neji caused.

"Neji, Tenten, are you alright?" Guy asks seriously.

"We're fine." Tenten goes "but we can't get out of here or the stones will fall in even more."

"How should we get them out? The other way is almost fallen in as well, it must have been a trap for keeping intruders out while simultaneously signaling the intruders." Lee says thoughtfully. 

"I don't think that getting out of here will be impossible but it will definitely trigger the cave to fall in even more. You two should keep going and find the scroll, come back and we will get out." Neji proposes his idea.

"Are you sure?" Guy asks

"Accomplishing the mission after we're out might become impossible, so you should go, we'll be fine!" Tenten reassures.

"Alright, take care you two! We'll be back in no time, come on Lee!" Guy finally says with trust in his capable teammates.

"Okay, we won't be long!" Lee says and they both go off through the small opening that is still left in the right tunnel.

As their footsteps fade, silence arrives.

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