so that's awkward

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They have been so close to each other before. Been tied together, helped each other, trained with each other. Especially when Tenten was working on her Tai-Jutsu basics her two Tai-Jutsu specialized teammates came in very handy.

But if this is no new thing then why does it feel so different?

The space left by the rocks is uneven and pressing against Tenten as she is standing face to Neji's chest.

And she can hear her breath.

And his.

She can't help but notice it all smells like him too, well, that is no surprise, really. Since they stand so close together...

She can feel her heartbeat. 

And his. 

Right next to her ear. Just there beating steadily.

'It's Neji. It's just Neji. Nothing going on here, all fine here.' she tries to remind herself but it becomes a little harder to breathe.

Then all of a sudden the silence lifts and Tenten  shrieks to the abruptness of Neji starting to speak. "I'm sorry I didn't pick up on the explosives"

"mhm," she starts "don't worry about it. You tried your best, we can't change the past. I'm sure Lee and Guy will be back soon."

"I'm not saying that I don't think they will."

oh well

"Are you alright the way you stand? Maybe it's better this way" he says "Oh eh, well, I don't know-" 

and Neji turns half way to his side so that Tenten can turn to her side fully and not be squeezed against the rocks but now against his shoulder instead of his chest and the other rock wall.

a hopeless sigh emits from Neji "Well, that isn't any better, is it?"

"Haha, no" Tenten laughs


"Soo, what are you doing after this?" Tenten asks, trying to get through the awkwardness.

Neji, really not being the guy for small talk, sees what she is doing and is trying his best to form an answer. What else is he to do? "Going home. Eat. I have been asked to train with my cousin, Hanabi."

"Ohhh, Hanabi! nice, nice. How are you two getting along?"

A small sigh "She is very eager to learn. She is getting better."

"That's great." Tenten smiles.


"What about you?" He asks

"It's, uh, my mothers birthday so I will try to spend some time with her when I get back."

"I see"

Suddenly Tenten is a little more aware of the situation she is in and that she may not have been able to get back to her mother without going to the hospital, or at all, if it weren't for Neji.


he is saying nothing. Was it right to start talking about her mother? Her parents? Tenten knows what has happened to his father. Or well, at least that he is dead and that it was a political affair. It's not like she and Neji talk about these... types of things everyday but over the years you attain some basic knowledge.


"Sooo, do you have any pets?"

"Tenten... you really don't have to keep this going... "

"I'm sorry! I'm just trying to make conversation, this is awkward!" she protests, very well aware of the weirdness and forcefullness of her conversation.

"What would you want to talk about then?" She goes

Neji has been mentally pushed to his limit. He keeps quiet, knowing he does not know how to keep this situation from being what it is.

"I can't think of anything that would be interesting." He has never been a talkative one.

something interesting. Tenten thinks.


hm, what's interesting?

"Have you ever been in a relationship?"

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