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Neji arrived home around midday. The hyuuga residence welcomes him with its ever present peacefulness. He changes clothes and decides to have a small meditation session before eating something for dinner.

He sits down on the wooden terrace in front of the sliding doors that lead to his room. He's had this room ever since he can remember and it overlooks a garden with bushes, stones, a tree and a lake that have not changed much either since he was a kid.

The sun in shining lightly as Neji closes his eyes and settles into his meditation.

This had become somewhat of a routine. It helped him to calm down from the turbulence of the missions, to center and also to recharge himself.

As he focuses on the silence and the rhythm of his breath, impressions from the last days come up.

Thoughts about this obscure object, about the poison, the fight with this criminal organization of smugglers, he lets them all pass through 

with these is another thought about the temporary kidnapping when he and Tenten escaped and she carried him out. He also lets that go

and then he thinks of the last night at the campfire and how their eyes had met after he was trying to find the look of disheveled ambition again that she had had when they escaped.

All he found was the fire burning soothingly in her eyes. He lets go of this thought as well

Then he remembers the Nigurashi Mountain Cave when they were trapped and he had said these things. Was is too much?

he takes a deep breath in,

He usually likes to avoid getting into peoples personal business but the situations just lead him to speak his mind, it felt safe and appropriate. But was it?

This is exactly why he keeps away from things like this, it's way too bothersome.

and he exhales intently.

There is footsteps to be heard followed by the gentle noise of a cup being put down on wood.

Neji opens his eyes and it's Hinata.

"You've been having trouble focusing lately, haven't you? I was just making tea, I thought maybe you would like a cup as well." Hinata explained calmly, a little unsure if it was ok to break into Neji's meditation.

It's true. Meditating has been a little more difficult as of lately. This isn't very usual for him.

Neji takes the cup "that's very considered of you"

... "so has there been something on your mind?" Hinata just as to ask. It's been pitiful seeing him radiating such restlessness while meditating these days.

after a little while he responds "yeah, there has been"

"like, it's not like you have to tell me!" Hinata continues in an ever so faint voice, already having made it far further than she anticipated  "but if you want to talk about it, you can" she added

Neji considers this.

He then coughs covering his mouth with a fist, to ease the build up nervousness. "I think you have done enough Hinata-sama. I appreciate your offer but I think I should rather get back to my meditation. Sometimes that is just how it is." he decides

"Ah ok, I understand. No problem" she says with a smile and takes her leave. Looking back once more at Neji before closing the door behind her.


The hot steam rising from the cup in his hand, the fish in the lake are making its rounds and there was probably no denying it.

Sometimes you have to come into such a situation and then watch yourself. What you are hoping for or what you are intending to hide.

Neji isn't the type to necessarily talk about his feelings to other people but that doesn't mean that he isn't aware of them by any means.

Tenten has become someone that he couldn't imagine his life without. She's radiant and empathetic, she is true to herself, ever since he had known her.

crushes are known to fade, so why not enjoy it while it lasts?

The wind is still carrying the slight breeze it had since the early morning.

he takes a sip from the tea while the wind brushes though his hair and he might have to smile.

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