Chapter III: Meeting the Crystal Gems

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I've decided to write this whole story in a third person point of view, so I won't be telling you whose point of view it is anymore. Okay, here's the next chapter!

Steven pulled his new friend toward the light, and started to climb down the columns of holes stacked beneath him. "C'mon!" Steven yelled to Sunstone, who looked hesitant to leave her hole. Finally she narrowed her eyes. Instead of mounting the hole below her, she simply leaped down the long jump to the ground. Steven stared in awe as she landed perfectly on the ground, in front of Garnet. At first she looked smug that she had made it, then she spotted Garnet, and her bragging face turned to one of fear. She took a step back. "I'm not going to hurt you," Garnet said to her. "Yet. We just need to take you back to the Temple to ask you a few questions."
"Wha-What are you gonna ask me?"
"Oh, nothing important," Garnet lied. "Now let's get a move on. Steven, we'll come back later to keep searching," Steven nodded.
"Let's go!"
Soon, Amethyst and Pearl came into their view. "Amethyst! Pearl!" Garnet shouted. "Any luck?"
Pearl shook her head. "No, there's nothing here bu- Who is that?" Pearl looked at Sunstone in surprise. She waved cheerfully. "This is Sunstone. I found her in an incubation hole, and Steven wanted to help her.Which we will," Garnet explained. "But for now we're taking her back to the Temple to ask her some things. Once she leaves, we'll continue searching in the Kindergarden."
Sunstone rubbed her arm. Amethyst spoke up. "Well, let's take her to the warp! Whoo-Whoo!" Sunstone took a step back at Amethyst's hyper behavior. Pearl narrowed her eyes at Sunstone. "Well, let's go then," she turned around, led by Garnet and followed by Amethyst, Steven and Sunstone walking behind her. Sunstone looked at Steven. "Um, I just wanted to say, thanks for helping me. No one has ever bothered with me," she whispered. Steven smiled. "That's okay. I want to help all Gems," Sunstone blushed at this, as she knew that this desire would lead the boy to big trouble. She looked straight ahead, and said nothing. Soon the Crystal Gems arrived at the warp pad. "Let's go," Pearl said, and they activated the pad.

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