Chapter VIII: Peridot

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For now, the story isn't following Sunstone/Aquamarine/Emerald as much now, but instead delves into Peridot's troubles, the Diamond Authority, Malachite/Lapis/Jasper, and Homeworld's desire to take over Earth. However, Sunstone/Aquamarine/Emerald does play quite a big role in it, so keep reading...

Peridot walked. Those Crystal Gems didn't know anything. She was now out of the Kindergarden. Earth was so interesting. It surprised Peridot that Jasper- that stupid, arrogant, jerk- and the Diamonds wanted to destroy it. She sighed. But she guessed she would keep following orders. Like she always did. Peridot sighed. She was tired of being pushed around. She just wished she could be off on her own. But she had no friends, no family. Before this mission, Peridot had literally been nothing. She was never used by the Homeworld for missions, and had no importance to the Diamond Authority. Eventually, the Homeworld took advantage of her being an unimportant and new Gem, and sent her off to Earth for this mission so they wouldn't be effected if she got lost, or hurt, or even... Killed. The sun was setting now, and Peridot turned on her night vision, the computer whiz she was. She tried to fool herself into thinking she was somebody by mastering Homeworld's technology. But really, she knew, Peridot was nobody. She had no one to care for her. She was lonely. But for now, she'll just keep following orders...
Steven, laying in bed, was awake. Thinking.
Why didn't Peridot attack him and the Gems if she was as hostile and terrible as the Crystal Gems say she is?
Was Lapis okay in the bottom of the ocean?
Would more Homeworld Gems come after him?
Is Malachite still fused?
He decided to get the answer to at least one of these questions, and climbed out of the comfort of his bed. The Gems were in their rooms, if he was quiet, maybe he could sneak out...
He climbed down the steps, and opened the door to the porch, slowly, carefully, he shut it, and snuck off into the night. When he was awhile out in the sand, a thought hit him.
Where can I even find Peridot?
Let's start at the Kindergarden, Steven.
Good idea, Steven.
He praised himself at his plan, though in reality it was not a very good idea at all.

C'mon, Peri, back to the Kindergarden.
She told herself this, but Peridot was still walking farther and farther into the woods.
Okay, seriously, time to go back now.
She sighed at her own mind lecturing her, but Peridot turned around and headed back to the dreadful place known as the Kindergarden. The quiet buzzing of the crickets was soothing, however, and Peridot took off her goggles to admire the sky filled with stars. As she was walking, staring at the beautiful sky, she felt the air thin out a bit, letting Peridot notice she was at the Kindergarden. At the top of the purple-ish cliff, she scaled down, and landed on the ground with a thud.
Her breath was drawn out by the quick landing, but Peridot quickly composed herself.
Now, what to do...
Peridot looked around, until she heard shuffling near her.
She spun around, only to notice that "Steven," was standing right beside her.
How did I not notice him?
"You!" Peridot backed away from the human- or was he a Gem?- until she realized this was the person who stopped her from falling.
"W-why did you save me?"
Dang it, Peri, stop stammering!
"My friends say you're bad, but I don't think so."
Peridot sat down, this being a bit too much for her. Steven sits down alongside her.
"Are you a bad gem?"
She sighed. "I don't really know anymore."
"But why am I talking to you? You wouldn't understand."
His eyes brighten, and he looks up at Peridot with shimmering, hopeful eyes.
She sighed again.


(Peridot) All my life I've been nothing but dirt on their shoe,
So I took a chance and did whatever they wanted me to,
Suppress it
Play along
(Steven: What does that mea-)
But as I've seen this place
Its beauty and its grace
I'm not so sure
If I want to be the bad guy
Am I the bad guy

Peridot: I want to help it
But I can't really help it
(Steven: But I know you can fight it
Burn the hatchet, light it)
Peridot: I want help you
But I want the help the universe
Please help me lift this curse

Ending: I want to help you
But I want help the universe
(You wanna help it, but you can't really help it)
But I know I can fight it
I'll burn the hatchet, light it...


Wow, that song wasn't as difficult to write as I thought it would be. But still hard. Very hard. I have a tune picked out for it, but I can't include it unfortunately, as I have no experience playing or writing down music. Oh, well. I hope I can get it to you guys, somehow, someday. I decided to end the chapter here, since it was getting a little long. I hope you enjoyed it!

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