Chapter IV: The Explaination

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The Crystal Gems -and Sunstone- arrived back at the Temple, and stepped off the warp pad.
"Steven, get some water for her. We need to ask Sunstone a few questions," Pearl said, and Steven left the room awkwardly. He strolled into the kitchen.
"Okay. Sunstone. Why were you at the Kindergarden?" Garnet asked.
Sunstone took a deep breath. "I was incubated there, and the Homeworld Gems didn't think I was good enough. They left me behind," Sunstone answered calmly.
Amethyst took a step back, and Pearl pressed on. "Have you seen anyone at the Kindergarden recently?"
Sunstone's eyes darted to the kitchen, where Steven was standing in the doorway, listening. "There was one Gem... She called herself Peridot. She said she was going to help me, but she just ran off. She didn't appear to have any weapon. She looked beaten up."
The Crystal Gems exchanged a look. "What did she say?"
"She tried to say something into her transmitter about reactivating something while she waits, but it didn't work, and I couldn't make out most of what she said."
"What did she say to you?"
"She asked me what I was doing here, and who was with me. She also asked if I could help her."
"Did you?"
"Heck no! I don't trust anyone out here, I've been living by myself most of my life."
"Okay, we'll get you some help here, and you can stay here with us for a bit," Garnet told Sunstone. A smile formed on Sunstone's lips as Pearl complained. "What? Garnet! She'll only get in the way!"
"She doesn't know how to use her powers correctly, and she doesn't seem to be causing any trouble. She needs to know how to defend herself out there."
Pearl rolled her eyes. "Fine."
Sunstone ran up to give Garnet a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said to her. Garnet backed away from her. "Steven, you may come out." Steven revealed himself from the kitchen, and handed Sunstone a bottled water, which she took a long drink of.
Garnet approached her. "Sunstone, can you draw your weapon?"
Sunstone seemed to pull her quarter-staff from her gem on her upper stomach. It glowed with an electric yellow light, and was colored a beige color. Her gem also basked in the same yellow light.
"Okay, what about fusion?"
"What's fusion?"
Garnet sighed. "We'll teach you later. Now how are you in combat?"
Sunstone shrugged. "Haven't fought anything in forever."
"Well, let's see. Amethyst, why don't you help Sunstone see how well she can fight. Steven and Pearl, come with me."

And, done! Pretty proud of how this fanfiction is coming along! Help support it if you like SU!

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