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"Welcome to Jefferson high." Niro walked McKenzie into school with him, she kept looking around as she walked next to Kouture. "You're gonna like it, it's not that bad. You can meet our friends." She smiled, and Asher nodded. "Yeah, there's Hannah, Jazzy, Rashad too! There's also Liela, she's been one of my best friends for years, they're all polite, besides Jazzy a little bit. She's a little bit cocky, she gets jealous quickly, she wants everything to go her way so bad, but she can be nice I guess, I don't know." They all walked into the Cafeteria for study hall as they found their table. "Hey guys, this is Kenzie. She's the daughter of a close friend of my moms and she's staying with us for a while before her parents come back from a trip." Niro introduced her as everybody sat down. "Hey girl, wow those nails are incredible." Liela immediately grabbed her hands and looked at her nails, McKenzie laughed a little. "Thank you. I did them myself." She said, and Jazzy raised an eyebrow. "They're cool, see mine?" She showed her nails and she had a bunch of jewels and diamonds on them. "They're real diamonds, my daddy paid about 1K for each of them." She said to her, and Asher rolled her eyes. "I don't give a shit. My mom has diamonds in her fucking teeth." He said, and Jazzy squinted her eyes as Hannah smiled. "You're really pretty McKenzie, do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend of some sort?" She asked her, and Niro's face turned beat red as he looked away. "Oh no, I'm only 14. I'm not entirely I guess in someone's thoughts of being in a relationship with." She laughed at herself as Hannah smiled, "Well, I think you're really cool. I think you'll fit in really great." She smiled as McKenzie smiled with her, Jazzy glared at her as he watched how close her and Niro were, why is she so close to him? "Lets go early, we can get your schedule." Niro got up and grabbed her hand, Jazzy watched as the two left after saying goodbye, Jazzy groaned as she thought, why are they so close? Didn't they just meet? Whatever, his mom likes me way better than Kenzie anyways, I have money, I'm pretty, I almost have straight A's, and I am some what nice. Whatever, I'll show him, I just need an opportunity. Asher cracked his knuckles as he got up from the table, "Later bitches." He stared at Rashad before he left, the guy looked up at him. "What? You afraid to speak to me or something?" Rashad pulled him forward as he stood up, "No, you just didn't catch my attention." Asher rolled his eyes. "I don't catch your attention here but I catch attention in class?" Rashad leaned against the table as Asher's eye twitched, "Bye." he quickly walked away as Jazzy stood up. "I can't deal with this. Hannah, go get me a water." She ordered her, and Hannah stared at her. "Why?" She asked her, and Jazzy quickly grabbed her hand and led her out of the room and into the bathroom. "Hannah, how long have we been friends?" She asked her, and Hannah thought for a moment. "God, I don't know. Maybe a couple years?" Hannah thought, and Jazzy sat down on the counter. "Hannah. I can't have this new girl come in and ruin my perfect relationship with Niro." She held onto her hands, and Hannah stared at her weirdly. "What relationship? I get you've liked Niro for a long time, but you haven't really done anything to actually get to know him. If you want him so bad you gotta do something about it, I can't help you." She heard the bell ring as she picked up her purse, "Later." she walked out of the bathroom and left Jazzy there. Jazzy had walked out after a while and she found McKenzie in the hallway by herself. "Oh, Kenzie! Kenzieee!! Heyyy, over here!" She called to her as Kenzie walked towards her after noticing, Jazzy wrapped her arm around hers. "How are you enjoying Jefferson?" She asked her, and McKenzie smiled. "Oh, it's been great, I really l-" "That's enough. I just wanted to know how you think about Asher and Niro, especially Niro. He's such a heartthrob, he takes after his father so well, he's also very pretty just like his mom." She took her arm off her as her heels clicked against the floor, Kenzie nodded. "Yeah, Morgan's really pretty, so is Mr. Jeon." She nodded her head, and Jazzy laughed. "I didn't mean Morgan, I meant Irene. You know, their real mom?" McKenzie stopped walking and looked at her, "What? You didn't believe Morgan was their actual mom did you?" she laughed a little as McKenzie raised an eyebrow. "It's not about believing anything, Niro and Asher love Morgan more than anything in the world. You shouldn't disrespect her just because she didn't give birth to them. I don't think you should say something like that again." McKenzie walked away as Jazzy cracked her neck, she closed her eyes as she rubbed her forehead. Whatever.

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