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Rashad laughed loudly as he looked at the post, Niro slowly walked over to him. "What's up?" He asked him, and Asher rubbed his nose as Rashad showed them, his eyes went to Asher. "Hey, Asher." He said, and Asher immediately became quiet a she looked at him. "Hi." He said drly as his face went red, Niro side eyed him as he slowly swooped away, he immediately went to McKenzie. Asher tried to walk away as Rashad grabbed his arm and pulled him over, "Where are you going?" he asked him. "I have to go to class." He whispered, and Rashad held onto his hand and pulled him closer. "You don't wanna kiss again?" He asked him, and Asher rolled his eyes as he looked around, Rashad shrugged. "Fine, let's not." He said, Asher began to panic as he pulled him back, he laughed loudly. "No, no no. It's nothing serious, I'm fine. Everything's fine, Asher's fine. I gotta go to class now." He whispered as Rashad looked at him and nodded, Asher slowly kissed his cheek. "I'll see you later."


"You have no idea?" The man asked his boss, the cigarette bud was in the corner of his mouth. "What do you think?" The guy rolled his eyes as he coughed, "They'll be here soon, they don't have a clue, and my daughter? She's as dumb as a nut, just like her mom.


"Hi mommy!" Jaden ran to the car and Morgan smiled when she saw him, "Hi baby, did you have a good day at school? Where's your sister?" She asked him, her smile dropping after not seeing Christal. "She's playing." He said to her, and she raised an eyebrow as she hopped out of her car and grabbed Jaden, they walked inside and went to the office. "Hi. My daughter didn't come out of class, her names Christal Jeon." She said, and the lady typed in her name in the computer as she hummed. "This way." The lady led her to a room Christal was in, she was playing with a little girl, or rough housing. "That's my Barbie!" Christal yelled at the girl, as the little girl was holding onto the toy harshly. "Give my sister her toy back!" Jaden yelled at her, as Morgan quickly moved Jaden back. Jaden was beginning to be a very aggressive child, she didn't like it, I'm definitely talking to your father about that. Morgan crouched down to the little girl and she looked at her sadly, Morgan's face softened as she held onto Christal. "What's your name?" Morgan asked her, and the little girl batted her eyes. "Ella." She whispered, and Morgan nodded. "It's nice to meet you Ella. When I was a little girl I loved playing with Barbies my mommy bought me too, but this Barbie? This is my daughter Christal's barbie, she loves it very much. Where are your toys?" She asked her, and Ella looked around as she poked her lip out. "I don't have any toys." She said, and Morgan thought for a moment. "Where's your mommy?" She asked her, and the little girl stared up at the caregiver who was just looking down at her, "Ella doesn't have any parents, she's an orphan." she whispered to Morgan. Morgan stared at Ella as she turned to the caregiver, "What papers do I sign?"

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"You adopted an orphan?!" Jungkook shouted at Morgan, as Morgan held onto Ella tightly. "What's the problem? I saw a poor little girl stealing our fortunate little girls toys because she had none." She placed the girl down and put her hands on her hips, Jungkook stared at the little girl. "You could've just bought her some toys and called it a day." He said, and Morgan stared at him. "You can buy toys, Jungkook. You can't buy parents. Plus, we can take care of her until she finds her match, why would I leave that little girl in that dirty place?" She said, and Jungkook's eyes widened quickly. "We leave Jaden and Christal there!" Morgan grabbed his shirt, "Not there! At the orphanage, who knows what goes down in there?" she shouted at him, and Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "Okay, this isn't Annie, and you're not Grace and I'm definitely not Mr. Warbucks." Jungkook's eyes slowly looked down to Ella, she was sucking on a pacifier as she stared at him. "Fuck." He whispered under his breath as he took a large breath, "Okay. We can take care of her, but when we're able to find her a good pair to be her parents she's going. Hi baby, are you hungry?" Jungkook took Ella and baby talked her as she walked to the kitchen. The door bell rung and Morgan shuffled to the door and opened it, "I'm freaking out." it was Jimin. Morgan watched him walk inside as she closed the door. "I'm freaking out!" He shouted, Morgan grabbed his shoulders. "Calm down. Why are you freaking out?" Jimin tried to speak but behind Morgan he could see Jungkook holding Ella. "I forgot." He walked towards them and he looked at Ella, "You gave birth already?" he turned to Morgan. Morgan glares at him harshly, "No, this is Ella. She was an orphan at Jaden and Christal's school, I couldn't help myself. Jungkook said we can take care of her and give her the proper care and needs until we can find some suitable parents for her." She said, and Jimin side eyed them. "Okay, sounds like you're trying to take care of a dog more than a child to me. Hi baby." He looked at Ella who's eyes disappeared when she smiled, Jimin's eyes softened as he took her from Jungkook, he held onto her and bounced her in his arms. "You're such a cutie." He said, and then walked away from them with her. Jungkook stood there and he looked at Morgan, he smiled. "I think we have everything taken care of. Isn't your doctors appointment today?" He asked her, her ears perked up as she nodded. "Yes, god. I should get the car started." She said, and Jungkook looked around the house before going to Jimin. "Hey, I'm taking Morgan for a follow up on the baby, can you watch the kids? Cool, thanks!!" "Okay, whatever." Jimin was too focused on Ella to understand, he kept bouncing around as he smiled down at her. Meanwhile in the basement, Asher and Niro invited everybody over to study. "I think the main idea is that you should always follow your dreams." Kouture smiled as she tapped her pencil over her head, Rashad rolled her eyes. "Boring. I think the main idea is to not be a fucking idiot and always trust your gut." He said, and Hannah squinted her eyes. "You're such a narc, can't you be regular for once?" Hannah and Rashad were twins, they argued every single second of the day, everywhere they went. "Can't you be the best looking twin for once?" He chuckled to himself as he ruffled the top of his hair, Hannah smacked his arm as she crossed them. "Let's all be regular, huh?" Liela smiled as she grabbed her pencil and began writing, "We all can state our own opinions on the main idea." McKenzie said, Jazzy rolled her eyes. "Here to save the day again, huh?" She squinted at her, and Asher stared at Jazzy. "Jazzy, can you stop talking? My soul is unfortunately sucking in your toxic and negative energy. I get it, you're surrounded by successful people, you're in my million dollar house, with my Oscar nominated, Grammy nominated, artists, actors, idol parents consent, I would be jealous too. It's okay." She gave a sarcastic smile as she rolled her eyes, "My parents are just as successful as yours." she said. Niro raised an eyebrow as he held his hands up, "Business owner.." He placed one of his hands down to the floor, "Retired idols and still actors in upcoming film making billionaires." Niro laughed with his brother as they both exhaled at the same time, Kouture smiled. "Whatever. Asher, can you get me something to drink?" Jazzy looked at him, and Ashers eye twitched. "Jazzy, you're draining the small bit of life I have in my body OUT." Rashad shushed him and kissed his cheek, "I'll get it. Relax." he left and went downstairs to the kitchen. Niro watched as he slowly turned to Asher who had his attention on his work, Niro got up and walked out to follow behind Rashad. "Hey Niro!" Jaden shouted at him, "Hey Buddy, now move! Snothead." Jaden was shocked as he watched his brother leave, he stomped away. Niro walked downstairs as he saw Rashad pouring drinks, "Hey. Are you plowing my brother?" he said with no hesitation. Rashad choked as he looked at him, he laughed. "Are you plowing my sister?" Niro hopped on the counter, "Not anymore." Rashad jerked his head back and grabbed his shirt collar. "AHHH! I WAS JUST JOKING I WAS KIDDING. OH MY GOD I HAVE GUNS IN THE HOUSE!" Niro screamed as Rashad let him go, Niro held onto his chest. "Sorry." Rashad apologized as he looked at Niro, he leaned his body against the counter as Niro looked at him. "Can you do me a favor and not hurt Asher?" He said to him, and Rashad raised an eyebrow. "Why would I hurt Asher?" Niro scratched the top of his head a little as he sighed, "You're known to be a really big heart breaker in school. How many girls have you dated? And how many did you actually like?" Rashad got offended as he stared at him, "This is totally different." he stated. "How?" Niro asked with confusion, and Rashad rubbed his forehead. "Did you ever think maybe I dated a bunch of girls just to hide the fact that I actually don't like them? I broke it off with a bunch of girls because I never felt anything, so yeah. Maybe I dated a couple girls in high school because..maybe I wasn't accepting the fact that maybe I actually like guys, especially your brother." Rashad patted his shoulder in a brotherly manner as he brung the drinks downstairs, Niro kicked his legs a little after listening. I pray you do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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