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I'm hot.

Very hot.

I had used water on the plane to wash myself, using my abilities to have the water brush away all the sweat and grime from the past two days.

After expelling the contents of my stomach, I had taken an amazing nap until we got here.

My stomach rolls as I get a whiff of the dead Deviant ahead. Sprite sends me a look. "Not again." She says and I roll my eyes.

"This is the Deviant you fought in London?" Kingo asks with his sunglasses on.

"It's different. There must be more out there than we thought."

"That's unfortunate." I say.

Karun runs over to the dead body. "Is...is this a Deviant sir?"

"Yep." Kingo looks down at it.

"It's a beautiful creature."

"What?" Kingo continues but I tune him out as we near a house.

Ikaris goes up and knocks as we get there.

"...the fearsome Gilgamesh!"


The door opens and I balk at this giant of a man wearing a cooking apron in the doorway.

"What took you so long?" He steps out, taking in all of us. "You've brought others." He looks at me and Karun.

The man walks past Ikaris. "You look younger today Sprite."

"I have the same apron." Karun remarks.

"Who the hell are you?" Gilgamesh asks Karun before turning to me. "I know you."

"Im Karun, Kingo's valet"

"Oh valet. Like Alfred in Batman."

"Oh he's cultured!" I clap my hands together and smile.

"Gilgamesh, the Deviants are back." Ikaris returns us back to the point.

"No shit. I could have used some help."

"We were attacked by a Deviant in London too." Sprite explains.

"Even Ikaris couldnt kill it."

"You couldnt?"

"I was distracted."

I roll my eyes at his arrogance.

"Sure man. Hey you guys wanna try my pie?" Gilgamesh pulls out a massive pie pan and my mouth waters immediately.

"I'm sorry Gil." Ikaris says. "Ajak's dead."

"It's true buddy. We lost her."

"Oh man." His arm drops and I want to cry as I watch his pie come undone.

Gilgamesh sits down and I turn as Sersi and Ikaris look off towards a tree. The giant gets up and starts leading us over, a woman coming into view.

My head tilts as I take her in. She's pale...and has very light hair. Arguably white like mine, but hers looks a tad blonde. This must be Thena. No A.

"Sersi. The attack triggered her." My head tilts up as I realize she's the one with Mahd Wy'ry. "She's no fun to be around right now." We near her slowly. "Hey Thena. Look who's here. Give me your hand."

I mentally reach out and touch her mind, throwing my hand out just as she creates a spear from her energy and attacks Gil. I freeze the air around her, tilting my chin down as her eyes meet mine.

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