The child

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2nd pov

you stare at your old pet hat was now mutated *She looks so little like she's only five.* you walk up to her and touch her face she leans into your hand a bit you smile and pick her up 

(You're Italic, Midnight is underlined)

" Well, Midnight how are you?"

" I'm ok momma"


" Yeah I mean you take care of me so your my momma."

Your pov

I smile at her and hug her *Maybe this is better.* I put her down and take her hand and walk to the kitchen I set her on a seat and ask her if she wants anything.

"Can I have an apple please?"


I chop up an apple to give to her as I set it down I noticed Ripper staring at me I wave to him so he can come over to where we are, as he walks up to me Midnight stares at him and smiles I chuckle as he sits down next to me, he looks skeptical and asks me.

"Umm is that your kid?"

"Well, she was my pet who got mutated so kinda I guess.?"


"Momma who is that?"

"Well, starlight this is Ripper."

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Ripper was drinking water but he instantly spit it out when he heard that he looks at me and walks away, I sigh and take her to my room it was late anyway and she needed rest I set her down on my bed and turned on the lights showing my room in its full area.

Ripper was drinking water but he instantly spit it out when he heard that he looks at me and walks away, I sigh and take her to my room it was late anyway and she needed rest I set her down on my bed and turned on the lights showing my room in its...

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"Ok, midnight time for bed."

"Ok, momma but can you sing me a song first?"

"Sure hun."

I grabbed my bass and play the new song that I was making.

I see her asleep and I turn the light off and lay down next to her as I close my eyes I smile a genuine smile of happiness for the first time in a while.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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