episode 04: the game plan

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after dinner, chan began searching through his desk drawers, after what seemed like an aeons he found a notebook the size of his palm, it was pastel pink with white stripps and had a weird cat on it with a message saying 'have a purrfect day!' now why would chan, a high schooler with a pitiful love life, a decent amount of friends and at times a bit concerning even have this book? he didn't know either but this book was 'purrrfect' to plan his brother's happily ever after. no one in their right mind would be able to go pass the cat which looks through their soul and knows all their sins.

to start his plan, he first wrote down all the information his tiny brain had about the love interests of this game.

there were four love interests in the game, choi seungcheol (the scary guy), kim mingyu (the tall guy), jeon wonwoo (the handsome guy in glasses) and chwe hansol (the guy in the beanie). 

the base of chan's plan was simple, it was to eliminate the start of their romantic feelings towards his brother. there were four situations where each love interest falls in love with jihoon, it usually was either jihoon saying something touching or saving the person from a fight and reminding them of their worth and boom suddenly these four guys are head over heels in love with jihoon, even ready to kill for him.

now onto the so called love interests of the story.

first was chwe hansol. first year, not in any gangs but had made a name on the streets from the amount of fights he won. they say he's very skilled in dodging attacks and just from that he can easily take down guys who are twice his size. he is usually seen wearing a beanie to hid is brown hair which is a huge contrast than the natural hair colour of other koreans. 

second is jeon wonwoo, the second in power of a notorious gang called the quartzite. he was smart and cunning, making him the perfect right hand for the leader. he was on the quiet side but can be scary when he wants to. he unlike the rest of the love interests didn't want to be a delinquent but was strung along.

third is kim mingyu, the leader of quartzite. he comes from a rich family of dangerous people who can get anything they want. he started this gang as a form of rebellion against his family but has still yet to gain freedom. he talks whatever he wants and does whatever he wishes with no regard for the consequences.

and lastly choi seungcheol, the current number one delinquent you need to be afraid of, he's not in any gangs yet has single handedly instilled fear in others. he seems to have family problems which made him run away from home and start his career as a delinquent. he was the first one who found jihoon's  brash behaviour 'adorable'. he was one of the most played routes in the game because of (and chan quotes) 'husband material' he was. 

the problem with each route was that they all were toxic in their own ways and stopping them would mean chan had to intervene. let's say chan did catch them at the right moment, what was he going to do? those guys could use chan's safety against jihoon so they could get whatever they wanted (yes something like this did happen in the game)

chan ended up spending the whole night staying awake thinking of ideas but unfortunately he didn't get anything, there was no way chan would get a solution to this within one night but he tried.

he went to school that day sporting two dark circles under his eyes and his will to live was barely hanging along.

the whole day went by in a breeze, chan would have never pulled all nighters before was on the verge of tears. he had to physically stop himself from falling asleep in history by pinching himself too many times that by the end of the period his arm was red. chan really wished he had a desk mate who could wake him up but the guy never showed up till now so chan let go of such a hope and accepted defeat.

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