episode 09: red flag + red flag = more red flags

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chan watched as junhui choke on his lunch, soonyoung was patting his back in hopes to help him while minghao remained unphased by his friend's dying noises, he was more invested in what chan was saying.

'okay so chwe hansol is literally crushing on your brother?? and how sure are you?' 

'100% i'm very good at knowing these things'

it was lunchtime when chan was able to escape his man made hell, he quickly notified the others to meet him near the staircase which most people don't use so he could explain the painstaking details of the situation. of course once they heard who was one of soonyoung's love rivals, they did feel very threatened.

'oh my god you really weren't kidding when you said dangerous people liked jihoon!' said junhui now that he recovered from his shock, gulping down water which minghao opened for him without any prompting. soonyoung seemed quite disturbed, after all compared to them, soonyoung is a little ball of fluff how was he going to go up against hansol?

'hey hyung, hansol may seem scary but i have more faith in you okay' said chan to assure soonyoung. 'after all a red flag plus another red flag equals a big ol' red mess!' said junhui as he patted soonyoung's shoulder to cheer him up.

'wait i thought we agreed to keep jihoon as a pink flag?' asked soonyoung, puzzled. 

'well yeah we just said that for you, me and jun agreeed he was red all the way, sorry chan but a guy who's as dense as him cannot be pink' explained minghao with junhui aggressively agreeing. 'come on chan you can't agree with them too!' soonyoung turned to chan to gain support. 'of course hyung he is a pink flag don't worry' said chan who accepted soonyoung's dramatic embrace while signaling to the other two that he was actually with them.

'but seriously what are we going to do? soonyoung is just on a 'hi hello' basis with him, there's no way we can get them to date this soon!' said junhui, finally understanding the weight of their problem. if chan remembered correctly hansol was going to make his first move during the first month of the game starting which gives the gang about a week or so to pull their shit together.

chan pulled out a juice box from his pocket and started to sip it while thinking, there was something he was missing... but what? 'do you guys have any events or anything which requires everyone to participate in this month?' he asked the two seniors (soonyoung and junhui) seriously.

'we don't have anything fun per say, we do have our final year project for biology. i hate that i'm paired up with this dude who's never awake i swear it's like the teacher did this so she can take revenge on me!' said junhui sourly, he was not a bio person. ' oh right, i still didn't get a partner for that, she said i could chose whoever's left' added soonyoung which fueled junhui's anger more, making him start on how soonyoung is clearly getting favoured right now but junhui's rant did flash the lightbulb in chan's head!

in the game, jihoon (who was also not a bio person) got paired up with seungcheol as he didn't find a partner to do the project with until very late, this was also a catalyst for the seungcheol route which chan would rather not talk about (he hated that route too much to the point he can write ten pages as to why this route deserves to burn in hell).

'i've got it! soonyoung hyung just get jihoon hyung as your partner, he doesn't have anyone nor would he get anyone until the end, this is your chance!' exclaimed chan excitedly, he would not only crush two problems with one stone but also soonyoung can start getting closer with jihoon. 'you do have his number right?' asked chan. 

soonyoung whipped out his phone to show his conversation to this friends who all leaned their faces into his phone. 

the chat had about six messages, where it's just soonyoung asking for something regarding a past group project they were apart of and with jihoon's one worded replies. yikes, they were literally at zero.

with enough encouragement and opinions, the group formed the perfect message to jihoon and hit sent. now they would have to wait. the dreadfully long wait for jihoon to pick up his phone and see that some rando from his class sent something and knowing him he would put it off until later and this cycle just goes on and on and on and—

'i got a reply! he said sure!! and he wants to meet up later to discuss what we have to do!?' squealed soonyoung as he showed the messages to the gang who were too stunned to speak. well at least they didn't have to wait around.

junhui very happily (and a bit too harshly) patted soonyoung on the back while minghao shook his head at their excitement but still had a fond smile on his face. things were going really well chan thought as he joined in their little celebration equally jittery like his friend. he just hoped this would continue.

meanwhile on the opposite side of the school, the situation couldn't be worse as hansol found himself slammed into the wall, slumping to the ground on impact as he faced kim mingyu who could not look more smugger than he is right now.

'remember our deal hansol, i treated you as a friend but i know when debts should be collected. so pay your price and remember i have ears on the walls so watch it' he said as he dangerously loomed over hansol. 'come on wonwoo, let's not waste anymore time here' he said as he walked away with a wonwoo who sent his sympathies to the younger. once they were gone, hansol spat out the blood in his mouth and sighed. 

what was he going to do now?


let's all just pretend my hiatus didn't happen and enjoy this chapter. i'm going to try to get back to my updating schedule but then again no promises school loves to kick my ass.

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