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Author's pov

Yeo Ra's dad and Young Do's dad were meeting up with their children and lawyer to make things legal in their buisness partnership.
The were on having brunch while the children were sitting elsewhere.

Young Do was playing with the steak on his plate, Yeo Ra broke the silence between them,"Yah Young Do I'll tell you this beforehand so you won't act dumbfounded when you're dad asks you if you are dating someone , at home I said you found yourself a girlfriend to my dad."

"Don't tell me he believed you",he said.

"I don't know he did not react ", Yeo spoke looking down.

The lawyer and their dads seemed happy discussing about the profits, shares and business plans but they never seemed to discuss their children's happiness.

Both Yeo Ra and Young Do were looking at the table where their dad's were seated. They encountered a man walking to the table , they tried to hear the conversation going on but only they heard was the man's name, Kim Jun Wan.

"Kim Jun Wan ! , I think I've heard this name ", Yeo Ra spoke.

"I'm not sure but I know this man is someone whom your dad and my dad hates , I've heard my dad talk about him , he's responsible for most of our company's losses ", Young Do replied.

Yeo Ra took her phone out browsing about the man, "He is the director of ptera company ,wait a second..so he is Kim Yunnah's dad".

"He is known to be the reason for many company's loss and he also does some illegal buisness, which led him lose his position as the director but he's trying to gain his position back by doing charity and suff", Yeo Ra read out,"As a reason he made his daughter Yunnah to work at store ".

At the table where their dad's were sitting, Choi Dong Uk and Lee Nam Jun were bragging about their children's engagement and the partnership,"Kim Jun Wan it's a surprise to see you here I heard your grieving over losing your position ", Young Do's dad patted on Jun Wan's back.

"I don't really have time to talk but I heard your children are getting engaged, in that case I'll congratulate them", Kim Jun Wan walked to the table where Yeo Ra and Young Do were sitting.

"Hello , You must me Choi Young Do and Lee Yeo Ra, you children have grown up since the last time I saw you both were so young", Kim Jun Wan greeted them.

Yeo Ra and Young Do bowed staring at him.

"In case you both don't recognize me I'm an old friend of both of your dads", Kim Jun Wan said.

"I guess what you meant to say was something opposite of friend", Young Do mumbled.

Yeo Ra kicked Young Do's leg under the table," Stop it", she whispered smiling at Kim Jun Wan.

"I heard you both are getting engaged Congratulations on that ", he wished them.

"Aniyo, Mr Kim this is a forced engagement for our dads partnership we didn't agree to that", Yeo Ra gave a quick answer.

Young Do looked at her cluelessy, Yeo Ra raised her eyebrows towards Young Do who then gave into her act,"That's right we were forced", he said."

"Aigoo, it must be hard handling with your parent's cunnigness, I'll make sure to talk to your parents about it " Kim Jun Wan replied walking away.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking ", Young Do spoke.

"Yup! , I'm very sure he is going to leak this to the press", Yeo Ra replied.

"But what if problems occur to companies due to this", Young Do questioned.

"Even if our parents call of the engagement Do you think they'll cancel the partnership?"Yeo Ra said.

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