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Author's pov

Young Do started slurping  the jjajangmyeon .
Yeo Ra took a peek at him,"I can't believe Choi Young Do is buying me dinner", and she continued eating.

"You know what? We both get along very well, .Afrer a long silent akwardness Young Do decided to strike up a conversation.
"I can't understand you at all. You are very mysterious",Yeo Ra pointed out at him.

'I'm suspicious? ',"You're the one to talk. The last time I checked you were a spoilt brat ,clumsy and now you're working two jobs and having connections to goons , Woah! that's a sudden change. I don't think you're saving money for college.
."Yeo Ra ! did you make a huge debt or something ?".Young Do kept all his gaze towards her inclined to get an answer very eagerly.

Yeo Ra choked yelling, "Why would I make a debt with goons".
"Whatever I don't believe it",Young Do added.

Finishing the bowl of jjajangmyeon Yeo Ra's sight fell on her phone which started ringing , she felt a sigh of relief after looking at the caller 'Bona'.

She stood up waving to him," I guess its about time I should leave, By the way thank you for the jjajangmyeon ",running out.

Eventhough Young Do made a guess it was partially right , even if she did work to save money for college it was at the bottom of the list. After her grades went low her dad took over all her credit cards and also took possession of her bank accounts. She did need the money and a reason of her running out not bold enough to face Young Do's questions.

Young Do still pondering what happened and gave into his thoughts , "What's wrong with her, why does she always leave in the middle". And he stood up losing appetite.

After coming out Yeo Ra stood out for a while stretching her arm,"I was on the verge of getting caught, how could an idiot like Young Do guess that well I guess people even insane than him can guess it , There's no pint of rating his stupidity".

Yeo Ra looked back tilting her head to find Young Do coming out,"Did you already finish eating , Aish! I should've gone sooner instead of wasting my time standing here".

"Yah what do you mean by that and you always get off in the middle of something. Are you not gonna receive the call",he asked .
"Nopee, it's Bona so I don't wanna be annoyed",Yeo Ra reasoned.
"Then why did you have to barge out like that",Young Do questioned.

Yeo Ra stood silent.
Young Do shoved his hands in his pockets gazing elsewhere, "Do you need a walk home".
"Me?, why would I need a walk home you think I'm some weakling? and I'm a pro at kicking men's ass , an MMA.....",Yeo Ra began to argue.

"Alright',don't get me started , Yah! you just need to speak ,people will run away and I generally asked not so you could brag about your MMA . I just thought you'd not want to walk alone, also choose your words I'm also a judo player",Young Do raised his voice defending over his conversation which was totally misunderstood.

"Alright everything put aside, Where's your motorbike",Yeo Ra asked smiling sarcastically.
Young Do clicked his tongue,'My motorbike',He repeated not remembering last where he left it.

Seconds later Young Do realized he had forgotten his motorbike at the convenience store.

"I thought I'd walk today so I didn't get my motorbike",he chose to not get embarrassed in front of her.

"Look at you lying through the teeth, didn't you forget it at the store?.Yeo Ra gritted.'Should I walk you until the store '.

"There's no need of it , I can do it alone ",Young Do replied.
Yeo Ra took a step forward noticing her untied shoelace.
She bent a little before getting stoped by Young Do
He leaned in,"Wait I'll tie it".

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