Chapter 1-

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Levys POV

I woke up and stretched when i noticed the sun shining through the bedroom window, i looked over to see that the spot next to me was abnormally empty, I sighed and got out of bed, straightening my night dress and walking around "Gajeel?"I asked when i rounded the corner to the kitchen to see the love of my life sitting at the table with his head in his hands. I figured he would be like this for awhile after the news he received just last night at Lucys book release party..

I told him i was pregnant.

He looked up at me through his fingers and smiled sleepily "What are you doing awake so early?" He asked me in a raspy sleep deprived voice "I could ask you the same." I stated as I rounded the corner to stand beside him and wrap my arms around his bulky body "Im worried, Lev. The war that almost killed us both just ended a year ago, who knows how long the peace is gonna last" he finally admitted, turning to face me as he enveloped me in a tight hug "Now i got three people to worry about." He mumbled as he buried his face in the top of my head.

"Are you hungry?"I asked, feeling him shake his head in response "I already ate that old pan." He said pointing to the counter where there sat a handle that went to an old frying pan we had, I sighed and couldnt help but giggle at this.

"Am I interrupting something?" Panther Lilly asked as he strolled into the kitchen and took a seat on the barstool across from us, Gajeel released me from the tight hug and shrugged "I take it he is still warming up to the idea of fatherhood?"Lilly asked, facing his attention to me as i grabbed a kiwi out of the fruit bowl and cut it in half for him "I hate to put this bluntly, Gajeel, But you had it coming. Working at the council with you two was like dodging PDA warnings every day" Lilly said as he munched on the kiwi. The blush on Gajeels face was pure comedy to me in a way.

I watched as Gajeel went back to the bedroom to get dressed for the day, i sat in his spot across from Lilly and rested my chin in my hands "Do you think he's really happy about all this?"I asked feeling the worry tremble through my words, Lilly cocked his eyebrow up and set the other half of his kiwi down "Are you insinuating that he is upset, Miss Levy?" Lilly asked, i didnt reply and instead just wiped the ghost of a tear from my eye " If so then you are mistaken, Gajeel is very happy, he simply realizes that he has more responsibility now that you can't take jobs with him" Lilly explained, I smiled weakly at his answer, knowing it was what i needed to hear.


As we made our way to the guild hall I looked up at Gajeel who had that same stern expression plastered on his face, he looked down and met my gaze, a small smirk of his starting to show.

"Levy!"I heard two familiar voices scream in unison as they ran over to me "Hi guys!" I called as Jet and Droy came to a screeching stop infront of me "We heard the news! Is it true?"Jet asked, leaning down to be my eye level "Huh I guess everyone knows now"I said awkwardly as i patted my tummy gently, Gajeel hooked his arm around my shoulders and motioned with his other hand for them to back up "Shows over! Let the lady walk!"He ordered, The boys quickly stepped aside, causing me to go red with embarrassment at Gajeels new... overprotective side.

"Levy! Did you lay your egg yet?" I heard as we entered the guild hall "No not yet, Natsu." I said, having given up on how to explain to this man that i was not infact going to be laying an egg. As if saved by an angel, Lucy wacked him on the head with her shoe "Stop bothering her, Natsu! I already explained this to you!" She screamed, shooing him away.

I sighed and sat down at table closest to the bar "What's wrong, Lev?" Lucy asked as she took a seat next to me, Gajeel had went up to the job board so I sat alone for the time being "Everyone is acting so weird! Like im made of paper. " I vented, resting my head on the table "And im so nauseous all the time"I added, seeming to finally relax around my best friend, Lucy rubbed my back gently "I dont think anyone means to act like that, Lev, Its just that we are still getting used to things "she explained, I sighed and lifted my head "I know, Lu Lu, I think im just a little frustrated" I said, glancing over at the job board to see Gajeel and Lilly looking at the newest inquiries.

"Is Gajeel going on a job?" Lucy asked, i turned my attention to her and nodded "Yeah, I'm secretly hoping he takes Lilly too so i can have a break. It gets tiring living with two boys" I said with a small giggle, Thats when i noticed a look in Lucys eyes as if she had an idea "Why dont you hang out with the girls while he's gone? We can keep you safe and you get time away from all the testosterone!" she said excitedly, I gasped happily at her offer, nodding vehemently and hugging her tightly "Oh thank you Luce! I would really appreciate that!" I exclaimed, letting go of her and standing up from my seat "I'm gonna go talk to Gajeel about it!" I said happily.

"Gajeel!" I called to get his attention as i made my way over to the job board "Huh?"he responded, glancing up from the paper in his hands "Did you find anything?"I asked, taking a look at the job in his hands, he nodded and handed the paper to me so i could read it "Yeah this one seems like a piece of cake! I could do it by myself and be back in a few days"He explained, pointing to the bottom of the flier that read '50,000 jewel' I smiled at this and looked back up at him "Why dont you take Lilly with you?"I asked, seeing a look of confusion come over both of their faces "Take Lilly? But he stays with you?" Gajeel argued, I shook my head and smiled "No its okay! Lucy offered to give me a girls day! I could use it for sure and I'll be safe with them" I explained further, Gajeel opened his mouth to argue again but Lilly patted his head to stop him "Maybe Miss Levy deserves some time away from us burly men"He joked, shooting me a wink.

"Well alright, but we'll have to leave tonight" Gajeel said, realizing that Lilly was right.

Pipsqueak (Levy x Gajeel) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora