Chapter 5-

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Levys POV

I woke up to the light shining brightly in my eyes, Lilly was awake and had opened all the curtains to wake us up. I groaned and sat up, immediately feeling that painful churn in my stomach "Oh no."I mumbled but before i could rip the blanket off and jump up, Lilly stood there in his battle form with a trashcan held out infront of me "For you, Miss Levy."He stated as I puked up nothing but stomach acid "Thanks." I groaned, holding the trashcan as I stood up and walked to the bathroom.

When i returned after rinsing out my mouth and brushing through my hair, I noticed Gajeel wasnt in bed anymore, I made my way to the kitchen to see him washing some rice in the sink "No iron today?"I asked as I took a seat at the bar and watched him, he shook his head and chuckled "This is for you." He stated, I smiled in surprise at this and rested my chin in my hands "I know ya feel kinda sick now but ya gotta eat or our kid wont grow" He explained as he started to boil the rice, when he was finished he walked over and kissed my forehead "Thats very thoughtful, Gajeel." I said, He shrugged and raised his hand to move some loose hair from my face "Feel like going to the guild hall today?" He asked, Concern clear on his face, I nodded and grinned "Yes! I'd love to!"


Gajeels POV

As the three of us walked into the guild hall, i wasnt surprised when Levy was immediately overtaken by some of our guildmates asking her endless questions and giving her advice.

"Levy! You're glowing!"

"Don't you know its bad for you to be taking jobs?"

"I bet that baby is gonna be huge!"

I looked down and noticed the look on Levy's face which had changed from happy to a bit overwhelmed , so i jumped into action and did what I do best..

I shoved through the crowd and wrapped my arm around her shoulders tightly "Give the lady some breathin room ya animals!" I yelled, watching as everyone backed up and most just walked away to a different side of the guild hall. I looked down at Levy and raised an eyebrow "Need me to stick around?" I asked, she shook her head and waved her hand to signal she was okay now "No, I think i can handle it now." She spoke softly, Lilly hopped up into her arms and winked at me "I got it from here." He said, I chuckled and nodded, heading back over to the job board to look over the new listings.

I scanned the board from top to bottom, skipping over anything that wasnt high paying.

'15,000j for clearing bandits from town'? No.

'38,000j for destroying barriers over local temple'? Nope.

'400,000j for escorting cargo to the mainlands'? That sounds interesting...

I grabbed the flyer and scanned over it.

Looks like a job sent from a small island off the outskirts of the continent, what the important cargo was is not mentioned but it must be pretty valuable based on the pay for an easy job like this.

I folded up the paper and stuck it in the inside pocket of my jacket, strolling over to the bar to order a drink and let Mira know i would be taking the job.

"Oh, Good afternoon Gajeel!" Mira chirped as i took my seat on one of the benches. I grunted in response and pulled the flyer out of my pocket.

"Im taking this job, any more information on it?"i asked as Mira slid a mug of beer infront of me.

She leaned over and examined the paper, humming quietly as she read over the flyer "Ah yes! It was sent in last night! Pretty hefty price they are willing to pay but they didnt give anymore information to us." She explained

"Well there's gotta be a catch, right?" I asked, taking a sip of the cold beer infront of me, Mira shrugged her shoulders and pointed to the bottom of the flyer "Maybe there is some fine print?" She asked, pulling a magnifying glass out from somewhere under the bar and hovering it over the tiny text in the bottom corner i had missed.

'Very dangerous, do not accept if not willing to complete at ALL COSTS'

"Well that sure is ominous." Mira mumbled, i nodded in agreement but quickly snapped myself out of my small trance "Eh- Its nothin i can't handle! I'll take it." I said confidently, Mira chuckled nervously and furrowed her brows "Alright, but the flyer warned you." She joked before turning to tend to other patrons.

I snatched the flyer and grabbed my beer, heading over to the other side of the guild to tell Levy about this new job i accepted.

She was sat with Lucy and Erza, Lilly was sitting on the table facing her with his legs and arms crossed. Natsu and Gray were fighting off to the side which wasnt anything new.

I sat in the bench across from them and slammed my beer down on the table, getting her attention immediately, i pressed the flyer down and slid it over to her "i just accepted this job, look at that pay!" I stated with excitement clear in my tone.

Levy tilted her head slightly and read the contents of the flyer, she looked up at me and chuckled "I think you should take a break from all the jobs, Gajeel. You are still cut up from the last job." She said softly, her face silently pleading with me to just stay home for awhile.

I sighed and took the flyer back to examine it once again myself "I think its a good idea. I'll be gone for maybe a few weeks but after i get paid for it- i can take a small break for a couple months"I defended. She probably already knew that there wasn't much she could say or do to change my mind because everything i do is for her and our baby... Even if that means i get a little hurt sometimes.

"I don't know, I just dont get a good feeling about this." She added, I looked to Lilly for some support- he too scanned the flyer from top to bottom and then looked up at me quizzically "I agree it's quite vague. Was there any information you could get from Mira Jane?" He asked, i shook my head no- excluding the fine print Mira has pointed out earlier in fear of Levy using it to make me stay.

I would love to stay home and be with her all day but we need the money and we already decided that when she has the baby, i will stop working for awhile to help with care... There is just no way we can make it work with these small jobs i have been taking.

"Please just dont go alone... That's all i ask." Levy said with a sigh, finally giving in and accepting what i had already decided. I grinned at this and leaned over, giving her forehead a little peck and sitting back down in my seat.

"Awe, Gajeel is so sweet with Levy!" Juvia gushed from across the table, I immediately got embarrassed and defensive at this statement
"Am not! Shut your mouth!"I screamed at her.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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