Chapter 2-

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Levys POV

As Gajeel was getting ready to head out with Lilly on their job i could tell he was getting more worried about me "I promise, they'll be here in a couple hours so i have time to clean up" I explained to him, handing him his bag and his lunch which was an iron pipe and his favorite... My special cast iron pan that he had to rebuy for me three times already.

"Ill be back soon, Lev."He mumbled as he pulled me into a hug with one arm, kissing the top of my head and lingering there for a few moments, when he released me from the hug i looked over at Lilly and snatched him up off the ground, squeezing him tightly "Keep him safe, Lilly. I packed you something special in that bag as well"I said before finally letting him down and seeing them out the door, Gajeel stared down at me with an expressionless face and leaned down, planting a gentle kiss on my lips- something he rarely did in the company of others, He then knelt down and kissed my tummy with that same gentleness that made my insides melt.


About an hour after they had left I had finally finished cleaning and putting things away, having to take breaks because of the random bouts of fatigue i had been having recently.

I finally heard a knock on the door and ran to open it, it's been quite awhile since ive been away from Gajeel and Lilly but spending time with girls sounds like just what i need right now.

"Hey!" Lucy yelled as i opened the door, behind her was Erza, Wendy, Mira, Juvia and Carla. I greeted the girls and invited them in "Im so excited that we get to hang out together!" I said as i closed the door behind everyone, Carla and Wendy looked around in amazement at the walls of the house that Gajeel had turned into giant endless bookshelves for my hefty collection.

"This is amazing, Levy!"Wendy said in awe, thats when i realized that only a handful of people had ever been in our house since Gajeel and I purchased it and finished renovating "Would you ladies like a tour?"I offered, gesturing to the rest of the rooms, I knew that Lucy and Natsu as well as Gray and Juvia had already seen the place but nobody else had the chance to look around.

Everyone nodded and followed me through the hall "Its three bedrooms but its fairly small so i apologize if its a squeeze" I said as I opened up the first door which was our Bedroom "This is our bedroom, Lilly has a bed in the guest room but most nights he just crawls into bed with us." I whispered, holding a finger over my lips because i knew that Lilly would not be happy about spilling this secret. I moved on to the bathroom and then down the hall to the second bedroom, I opened the door and flicked on the light.

The room was full of Gajeels workout equipment and  my desk that was covered with papers and books, A small purple bed was underneath the desk where Lilly would hang out while Gajeel and I are busy. Finally i made my way to the last guest room, Holding the knob especially long because i knew what awaited us "This one is kind of a work in progress." I said, opening the door and flicking the light on, seeing everyones eyes light up in excitement  as they gazed around the room.

The ceiling was painted blue with white clouds, various kinds of dragons painted throughout, the bottom of the walls was painted like grass while the rest of the walls were unfinished, in the middle of the room was a pile of wood and nails that I wasnt too happy about but Gajeel forbid me from touching his "work".

"This is beautiful, didnt you just tell him the other day?"Erza asked, I nodded and smiled "Yes, He hasnt slept since then either." I added, feeling my emotions stir as I continued to stare at the work Gajeel has done in just twenty four hours. Lucy placed her hand on my shoulder, she obviously noticed that this was alot for me right now and ushered me out of the room "You have a wonderful home." Erza stated, I thanked her as we made our way back to the living room.

The night went wonderfully, we all painted our toe nails and talked about the men and drama in our lives.

"I have something that may interest you ladies"Erza said, standing up and presenting a bottle of non alcoholic wine, I quickly ran to the kitchen and came back with enough glasses for everyone "Thank you, Erza. Thats very considerate of you. I hate to make everyone bored because of-"

"Don't even finish that sentence, Levy! We dont need to get drunk to have fun and besides, its not like we're Cana!"Lucy said defensively, pouring me a glass and forcing me to lay back on the couch and relax.

Thats when the juicy gossip finally started to spill. "So... When did Levy and Gajeel become... official?" Juvia asked, helping Erza to shuffle a deck of cards for us to play, I could feel myself blush and I averted my eyes from them, "No sense in getting shy now! You are carrying his child!"Carla said sternly, I sighed and nodded my head "Remember during the christmas party? When we all got drunk and Erza tortured us with that guild masters game?"I asked, the group nodded and urged me to continue "That was the first time we... were together." I mumbled, getting increasingly embarrassed as i spoke "We didnt make things official until we joined the magic council together." I explained, glad that the question was answered and my face could cool down a bit.

"What about you Juvia? Any luck with Gray?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink which was essentially sparkling grape juice, Juvia began her usual flustered rants that were hard to follow before Wendy finally stopped her.

"What is everyone doing tomorrow?" I asked the girls, i was not eager for this time to end. "I'm going on a job tomorrow." Erza said confidently, splaying the cards out in sections for us, Wendy shook her head "Carla and I have nothing planned" She said, Lucy mentioned that she also had nothing to do tomorrow, Juvia said she was going to be following Gray around the whole day and would be busy.

"Would you like to hang out with us three tomorrow? We can just spend the night here"Lucy offered, I nodded excitedly and sat up "I would love to!" Lucy nodded in response to my answer.

It felt so refreshing to hang out with my friends, especially moments like these when it was just us girls, no fighting or bickering.

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