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On the other side,

Porchay was admitted in hospital for two days. Not for physical injuries, to stabilize his mental health after experiencing the kidnapping that Vegas did. It may be usual for Porsche as a bodyguard, but Porchay's grown up staying far from the underworld.
Last week porchay supposed to be released but the doctor told Porsche to meet next week.

He was sitting in the doctor's cabin, fidgeting nervously as he waited for Dr. Time. The assistant said he was in an OT.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, have you been waiting long?" Porsche turned to him.

"It's fine, what's the matter you wanted to tell me doc?"

"That's good" He washed his hand while talking, "it's about your brother.. don't worry- he's healthy."

Dr. Time sensed Porsche tensing up so he tried to calm him down. He knew it's about Porchay, he's the only family Porsche have, how can he not be anxious?

"What about him though-"

"Last time when.... someone brought him here to admit.." Dr Time sat down in front of him, "His condition was much better than what you told me happened to him, later."


"I ran some tests and, I guess you already know that Porchay is a recessive omega." Porsche nodded sternly, like he didn't want to admit it. "I think he's not just sensitive to alpha pheromones-"

"....what do you mean by that -" Porsche couldn't process, Porchay is supposed to get mature late as a recessive omega, but at the moment he's just a immature boy. "He's not even of age yet- how can he even react to-"

"That's what we're gonna talk about. I found traces of strong alpha pheromones on him when I came to check on him.." Porsche froze. "That.... wasn't just any usual alpha, it's one of the strongest Dominant Alpha, who helped him out." Porsche's blood ran fast, he knows who did it.

".......Helped him out?" Porsche clenched his hands at the word choice of Dr. Time. What the heck does he mean by that?

"It's not entirely negative, because," He leaned back "It's normal for a recessive omega to get an early heat if he's influenced enough, of course by pheromones-" Porsche's hands were getting chills by the thoughts in his head. I swear I wouldn't leave him alive if he did it to my little brother whom I always shielded against the whole world...

"....is he... I mean..."

Porsche stuttered as he tried to imply what he had in mind. He's afraid to hear something he doesn't want.

"...What? Ohh no no, he's not marked. Not yet." Porsche sighed in relief. "He's not even influenced enough to change anything. He's just, I think other pheromones would have a negative effect on him from now on. If you know what I mean."

"You mean, other pheromones except....his?"

"Yes. It's just most likely to happen that way- we gotta put him under test if you want proof." Porsche moved at once he heard that, but Dr Time gestured him to calm down. "I'll use faint doses of artificial alpha pheromones. At most, he'd have allergic reactions."

"......I'll think about it."

"Alright. There's still enough time."


At Porchay's house
[Porchay's POV]

I got out of my bedroom for the first time in last two days. It's almost 11 in morning. I could see the sun rays coming in to the living room through the glass walls. It lit up a part of the couch.... where I slept that day, resting my head on his chest.

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