Chapter 1

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"Where is she?" asks Tony as he sits on the sofa. Steve looks at him and shrugs. "You know the day, Tony," he says and walks out of the room.

I sit in my room and stare at my bed where all the letters are. Every year I have them here, on this day I read them all again and again. The day we met for the first time. While I was staring like that, tears running down my cheeks, the song 'When We were Young' was playing. I always listen to that song because it reminds me of Bucky.

"When we were young." I sing, then I hear the knock on my door. "Mhm?" After a moment, the door opens and I can see Steve. "Can I come in?" he asks cautiously and I nod. "What's the matter, big dwarf?" I ask, smiling slightly. "I'm not a dwarf." he says with a smile. "Maybe you're not little anymore, but you're still my dwarf." He nods.

Steve, the super soldier, the little man from Brooklyn is no longer little, he is a big and muscular man. After the serum, he is a bigger man. But it's not just him, it's me too. Ok, I'm not a man, but I also have a few more muscles and we are both stronger. Super soldier, they tell us, but there were also two other people, but they fight in the army, while Steve and I decide to join the Avengers.

"What's up?" I ask again as Steve walks up to me and sits down next to me on the bed. "Would you like to come with the others? We were thinking of playing some games," Steve explains. I think for a moment and then nod as the blonde looks at me with his blue eyes as if he were a little puppy dog. Smiling, he looks at me and then stands up again.

Stopping at the door, he turns back to me. "Ten minutes, then I'll see you in the living room." he says with a smile and then turns again to go into the common living room. My gaze slides back to the notes on my bed.

"I miss you like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky." I whisper as I unfold a note to reveal a picture of Bucky in uniform. I smile slightly as a few tears run down my cheek.

His blue eyes and the glow in them when he smiled. Whenever I stood in front of him, he would look at me with that look that told me more than a thousand words. He looked at me like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. His hair, which always fell sweatily into his face after training, is perfect in the picture under the uniform cap he is wearing.

"I love you." I breathe against the picture before folding it up again and putting it to the side with the other pieces of paper.

Then I slowly get up and walk with small steps into the living room. I can hear the voices and laughter of the others from far away. My family, it makes me happy to hear them laugh, to see them laugh. Because during the day they have to be the superheroes, just like me. And then there is the time when we can all just be us, sit together, laugh and not have to do superhero stuff.

"There you are." Nat greets me joyfully as I enter the room. Immediately everyone quiets down a little and looks at me. "I'm here." I say, waving as I laugh lightly. "Well, we can start then. I've never," says Tony and I already know it's going to be a very alcohol-free evening.

"I'll start," Clint says, looking thoughtful for a moment. Meanwhile, Tony pours alcohol into small cups and gives one to each of us.

"I've never stolen before. We'll start with something simple." Clint says and looks around the group. I raise my glass and look at him, laughing. "Well then. Cheers." I say and tip the burning liquid down my throat. Startled, he looks at me while Nat, Steve and Tony also raise their glasses and drink.

"With Tony I can still imagine it. But with Nat, Steve and you?" asks Clint incredulously. "If looks could kill, you would have just died, Clint," Natasha says and looks at Tony who is looking at the archer with narrowed eyes.

"I only stole a screw from a car once because I needed it for my suit." Tony defends himself. "I helped Steve and Natasha steal a cake, only it was the wrong cake and then we gave Tony the pink cake with the flowers. We didn't have any more money," I say. "That's why we had the cake with the flowers," Tony says thoughtfully and I nod.

Natasha takes the bottle and refills the glasses of the four of us. "I've never snogged someone secretly in a broom closet," she says and I look at her confused. "You haven't?" She shakes her head and then looks at me laughing. "Only in offices, labs, our rooms or just in public," she says.

This time there are more who have to pick up their glass and drink. Tony, Bruce, Clint, Thor, Wanda, Vision and me.

"With Tony, I'm more wondering where he hasn't snogged someone yet," I say with a laugh, earning murmurs of agreement. "I'm more wondering when you've ever snogged anyone," the brown-haired man counters, looking at me challengingly.

"With Bucky, when we were sneaking around the military compound at night and someone came and we had to hide in a broom closet," I say, smiling slightly as that night runs through my mind.

"It was really hot in the broom closet with you guys." Nat laughs and looks at me. "I still can't believe you've never been with someone in the broom closet," I say, looking at her piercingly.

"We stopped short of the broom closet." says Tony as he looks at us with that playboy smile. "Tony, that's too much info." declares Steve and then looks distraught at me. "Oh man, now I've got this image in my head of Nat and Tony making out in the hallway and who knows where else they've been doing it," Steve says distraught. Laughing, I look at him.

"Ok, let's keep playing so little Stevie doesn't get more distraught," I say laughing and tapping Steve's shoulder. He looks at me and sticks his tongue out. I follow suit and so we sit there. He sticks his tongue out at me, I stick my tongue out at him and the other Avengers sit around us laughing and watching.

"Like two little kids. I can hardly believe you haven't just escaped from crawling group." he says and immediately Steve and I stare at him. "Toddler group? At least I don't laugh when a couple of slices of toast fall over" I counter and look knowingly at Tony who is scratching the back of his head.

"You laughed when a few slices of toast fell over?" asks Wanda incredulously. Tony just nods. "I've never-" Tony starts to speak, trying to divert from the subject. At that moment the doors of the lift open and a heavily breathing man stands there.

Who are you? Bucky BarnesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang