Chapter 5

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When Nick comes back from reception, he drops some keys on the table and looks at all of us. "In thirty minutes we will meet in the big room that is on our floor. It's a common room that we can use as a conference room. The whole top floor is reserved for us." he explains before turning you around and walking to the lifts. Each of us stands up, takes a key and follows the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. to the lifts.

Fascinated by the mirrors lining the inside of the lift, I watch my reflection in the mirrors. The others stand around me talking to each other or just listening to the conversation. Meanwhile, I move a little and watch myself through the many reflections, how the movement looks from the other sides.

When the lift arrives, there is a small sound and shortly afterwards the doors open. One after the other, we walk out into the corridor.

The floor is covered with a red carpet, the walls are in light colours and the old castle pattern is everywhere. There are several doors leading off the corridor. Starting with the number 301 and ending with 315.

While I turn my key in my hand to find out the number of the room, I walk down the corridor. When I reach the wall with the window, I realise that my room is number 302 and I have to walk back towards the lift.

The doors are open everywhere, it reminds me of the Tower, when someone is in the room during the day and doesn't need their privacy, the doors are just as open and you can look into every room.

While Steve has sat down on the bed and is bobbing up and down on it a bit, with his upper body, Tony is standing by the window watching something there. Wanda and Natasha are lying in bed and talking, while both have to start laughing. Clint throws his bag next to the bed and runs into the bathroom, which makes me laugh. The others lie on their beds and enjoy the moment before work starts.

Arriving at my room, I open the door and step inside. The room is bright and there are some trees a few metres from the window. The bed is neatly made and the whole room smells fresh and clean. I take a deep breath as I let myself fall onto my bed and close my eyes for a moment.

I hear some of the others talking and laughing. I concentrate on their voices and try to understand what they are talking about, even if it has nothing to do with the mission. I find it fun to try to figure out what people are talking about when I am a few metres away. It's a good exercise to train my hearing for upcoming missions if someone sneaks up on you.

As I continue to listen, I hear a person coming closer and closer, screaming. Startled, I sit up as Tony comes screaming into the room and looks at me with wide eyes. "What happened?" I ask a little sleepily, rubbing my eyes. "That's when he came into my room naked." Tony complains and I start to laugh. "Who are you talking about? You sound like you're a teenager who's never seen a naked one before." I say laughing and look at Tony who looks at me disgusted by the image in his head. "Of course I've seen naked people before, but I didn't want to see Steve's cock." he says, looking at me disturbed. "Steve came into your room naked?" I ask, looking at him with raised eyebrows. "Yeah, so half. He didn't have a T-shirt on and only boxers," Tony explains.

I look at Tony laughing as I watch him. The tech genius is looking down the hallway and seems to be checking to see if Steve is anywhere to be seen. Steve and naked would be funny because he used to make sure he had at least one pair of boxers on and he still makes sure of that. Even though his upper body is a splendour of an upper body, he is careful never to show his private parts.

"Steve? Are you here?" I ask and open the door to Steve's room. As he doesn't answer, I enter the room and look around. On the bed there is a pile of new clothes, which Steve always does when he has a shower.

As I turn around, I run into Steve, who is just entering his room with a towel around his waist. His towel slips a few centimetres and he quickly turns around. "What are you doing here?" he asks, startled, pulling his towel tighter around his waist.

I watch him as he turns back to me and looks at me. "I was just going to ask you if you were okay with pizza, but you were in the shower and then I wanted to get back out of your room I ran into myself." I say, looking at him apologetically. He nods and walks towards your bed. "Pizza is a good idea." he says, taking his clothes off the bed. "But I'd like to change first." I nod and walk towards the door, then go back to Bucky and start preparing the pizza for dinner with him.

So Steve doesn't like people seeing his body. Understandable, because very few people like to present themselves naked. But Bucky explained to me that even in the communal showers he wears boxer shorts so you can't see anything.

"Don't worry, Tony. Steve won't be naked in front of you and you know his upper body, don't you?" I say laughing and stand up to look out into the hallway as well. When I arrive next to Tony, he clings to the door frame as if I would otherwise push him into the hallway and he would have to face the dangerous torso of the famous Captain Americas. Maybe the latter would eat him.

As I look out into the corridor, Steve comes out of his room. He is wearing a T-shirt that accentuates his muscles and long trousers. "See, the dangerous torso is packed again and you can wear something else without getting eaten so we can get to Nick," I say laughing and looking at Tony. He is wearing sweatpants and an old t-shirt. He nods and goes back out into the hallway.

When he has walked a few steps, I am about to turn around to wash my face and put on something else when he suddenly turns and looks at me. "I'm not afraid of his upper body. And especially not that it can eat me." Tony says indignantly and I start to laugh as I realise how long it took him to understand that. "Then I wonder why you came into my room screaming like a little girl." As the genius turns you around to go to his room, he mumbles something that sounds like 'Next time I'll run to Bruce or Natasha.' Laughing, I watch him run down the corridor to his room.

To prepare for the meeting with Nick. Or rather to figure out how to escape Steve's upper body without getting eaten?

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