Chp. 22: ~~Hell Wears A White Coat~~

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Hey guys back again. So let's get to it .

Song for chp. Christina Aguilera - Hurt.
"Oh my god" I can't even move , my feet are frozen to the ground.

"What's wrong ?" I heard Hunter's bag hit the pavement and his hands are on my shoulders. I can't seem to speak, I'm in to much shock, I find the energy to lift my hand and I point in the direction of the two things in this world I never thought I would have to deal with ever again.

Stepping forward Hunter looked back over his shoulder but turned back to me with a confused expression.

"I don't you know those people ?"

"Unfortunately yes."

His expression got even more confused , so I continued.

"They're my......parents"

I clenched my first as I said that word remembering what they put me through.

"Your parents? Soo...What's the problem...."

"You'll see"

Taking in a deep breath I made my way up the path saying a silent prayer with every step.

"Hello mother, father."

My parents faces turned to me as I started getting closer to the steps, Hunter trailing behind me.

"Skylar! Darling."

In a few seconds my mother's arms were around me and I was stumbling back a step, her perfume engulfing my nostrils sending a wave of nausea right through my body.

"Hello mother. How are you?"

A hint of venom trickled into my words and I let it, but...My mother is so self absorbed she didn't notice.

My arms stayed at my sides until she released me and I have to say, I almost smiled when she let go . I had to bite my lip to keep it down.

"What are you doing here?" Again...venom.

I soon felt the heat of Hunter's body behind me, and another smile tugged at my lips. If I have to deal with my parents I'm glad he's here with me.

"Well....your birthday just passed and.......we got time off as soon as we could to come see you darling. May we come in ?"

My eyes left my mother and travelled to my father who stood two feet away from her with his face the same way it's always been.......disappointed.

He's wearing his navy Armani suit and black tie, with his one-for-every-day-of-the-week crisp white shirts. While my mother is wearing a beige skirt suit with her brown hair falling around her face and resting on her shoulders in its usual, light curls. My father's hair is the same shade of brown, but whilst hers still holds colour mainly due to dye, his is showing the grey it's suppose to.

"Erm..yeah, sure."

I fumble with the keys a little but finally manage to get the door opened. Luckily the house isn't a total mess... I took a step back to let my parents through.

My mother stepped in as though she was stepping into a crack house. Ugh,...I swear...sometimes she can be a total pain.

Hunter stepped in bringing in our luggage and placed it by the table. My parents are looking around the living room at Hunter', my mother's face has.....a silent glow because of the....type...of art. My father's face.....I can't quite place that.

"So....why...exactly...are you guys here? I mean.... it's not like you came down for the other 8 birthdays. Why now ?"

My voice sounds as confused as I am. My mother turned from facing the wall to me, then to my father as if asking him for permission. He gave her a nod and she turned back to me wearing a broad smile, which scares me....a lot.

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