Chp. 23: ~~Fear Has Face You Wouldn't Imagine~~

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Hey guys , another chp. This one may surprise some, who knows,.... enjoy. ;)
I went for another walk through the park to calm my nerves a bit. And to see if the cold air would help to bring down the swelling in my eyes, I basically look like a blow fish.

I wonder why Hunter didn't come out to look for me.....

As I made my way back something caught my eye, the front door....

It's open.

My dad closed it when he was leaving, and Hunter would've closed it if he went outside for something. He never leaves that door open.


My footsteps slowed as I got closer to the house , for fear that something would run out.

I know , childish, sue me.

My rambling thoughts stopped as a loud crash came though the doors.

Somethings wrong.....oh my god , did Hunter fall!

I shot up the stairs and through the door but the room in front of me was one I never thought I would see.

The vase from the table is broken and the water is running down the corners and onto the floor in a slow agonizing drip





The floor is covered in glass, and one of the dinning room chairs is broken into pieces.

Someone is in here.

I took a step forward and knelt down picking up a piece of stray glass. I turned towards the kitchen and the sound of low grunts seeped around the corner of the counter.

Taking cautious steps towards it I raised the piece of glass out in front of me so that if the intruder charged at me he would hit that first.

My heart beat is thumping through my ears and pounding against my rib cage.

Two pairs of male hoes struggling on the floor were the first to come into view, I took silent steps not to alert either of them so I could get a first jump on the attacker.

But as I saw the two tangled , fighting bodies I came to an immediate freeze with the make shift weapon trembling in my grasp.

The attacker turned his head a little as he struggled to hold Hunter down and the glass dropped from my hand shattering upon contact with the floor.

My breath caught in my throat and my heart stopped.

Sweat began to poor from ever part of my body.

My brain still can't comprehend what my eyes are looking at.

This can't be real, this....this.


I could feel the tears ripping at my eyes as I look at Jason, straddling Hunter with a knife to his throat.

Jason slowly started to turn to me, revealing Hunter's limp body,with blood oozing from his head and lip.

My body feels numb.

My legs feel like jelly and my stomach is no longer with me.

Jason stood from his position, with knife in hand and black in eyes and now heart.

He's staring at me, just staring at me, like this whole scene was normal.

I can't believe what I'm looking at.......what......what was happening.

Before I could get my mouth open to talk Jason pushed past me knocking me into the cupboards.

I can't believe this is happening, Jason tried to kill Hunter-- Oh god Hunter!


I screamed his name while scrambling on the floor dragging over to his still, motionless body. I rubbed my hand over his forehead feeling the gash just above his left eye and the sticky , thick liquid between my fingers.

A slight groan came from him and I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding and slummed my head down onto his chest.



My voice came out exactly how I feel, scared as hell.

His eyes began fluttering open and I can see the pain in those eyes.

What the hell is going on!

Why would Jason do tha-- my thoughts stopped when Hunter began moving trying to get up.

"No. Don't move, you don't know what you've hurt. Stay still, I'm calling an ambulance."

I dragged my phone from my back pocket and shakily tapped the blurry numbers on my phone.

My voice came out raspy and shaken, but I managed to tell the operator our address.

I put down the phone with the operator and turned to Hunter . No. I didn't even notice he closed his eyes,


"No no no no no.....come on Hunter , open those eyes, please , wake up!"

By now I was tapping his face and arms. I hit him a little harder, well much harder and he winced and let out an unflattering noise.

Oh thank god!


Dragging off my shirt I rolled it up and gently slid it under his head, thank god I chose to wear my bright pink bra today.

"Keep talking to me baby, don't close your eyes"

I need to wipe this blood off and see how big the cut is. I rose from my squat position on the floor and scanned the kitchen for a dish rag or a cloth. I found a hand towel just above the sink and soaked it then rung out the excess water.

I slowly keeled down on the floor when Hunter's eyes began to close again....crap crap crap , if he goes to sleep with a concussion he won't wake back up!

"Hey Hey. Look at me baby , look at me. Talk to me Hunter"

There was a painful silence then a small, yet strained grin came across his face.

"Heyyyyyyyy.....mami" Mami? That's new....

"Hey baby, ok, keep talking. The paramedics are almost here. Keep talking."

"You look.......really that bra...."

I can hear it in his voice, how hard it is to breath, let alone talk.

"Thanks, I bought it for the trip....are you......are you in pain anywhere else?"

The tears were flowing again , and my chest hurts like hell trying not to cry.

I can't believe Jason would do's not like him.

What in hell is going on!....

Hey guys short , but sweet (kind of). Anyway, fear not next chp, coming up right after this. Two in one day......maybe even three. ;)

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