°~Chapter 1~°

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~°Lumina's POV°~

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~°Lumina's POV°~

Our training was finally completed, according to our beloved Uncle Andrew anyway, just because we were family didn't mean that he went easy on us, in fact it was the opposite, there was a time I actually thought that he hates us, there wasnt an injury that wasnt flicked upon our bodies, but in the long run, it did make us stronger.

He later confessed why he was so hard on us from the very beginning. "I know you guys probably think I hate you, but that's not it, I'm just making sure you guys are ready for the real world, it's dangerous out there, and maybe you'll be able to stop innocent children from loosing their parents through unknown creatures, like what happened to you guys." He told us with sincerity.

It's almost been five years since that night our home got attacked, it was still a sore spot for Xavier and I, we didn't like talking about it, Uncle Andrew was the one that found us, he was shocked by the sight, but he was the one that took us in, on one condition, that we would start our training as soon as possible, to become the best Hunters for the next generation, we were also known as slayers, I think Uncle Andrew mentioned we were known by different names, but that wasn't important.

Xavier was the one that suggested him and I should start over, somewhere, just so that we could be normal, even if it was for just a year, so that we can finish our senior year. Uncle Andrew agreed, with a few conditions, sometimes I think he was married conditions, we were always allowed to do anything, but with conditions.

Firstly, he got to decided where we would be living, he chose a small town, called Forks, after doing research on the small town I couldn't object, the town was surrounded by nature, and the cold rainy weather, I'd take it anyday, I never really liked the sun and heat in the first place.

Forks turned out to be even smaller than I originally thought, we drove past the welcoming board, in the moving truck, it said the towns population was just over 3000 people, that's staying in this town, and that's when I realized we would be stared at, people would be be talking about us, as soon as we start school tomorrow.

I watched the rain falling against the window, giving me some sort of comfort, having a little bit normal for just a few months might do us some good, after all I think we deserve it, more than anything.

Xavier use to be the fun and loving type of person, but, he has become stone cold towards the world, thinking everything is a danger to me, becoming unbearably overprotective, the only time he seemed to show some emotion, was when he was chatting up the ladies, he use to always be so happy and carefree, but he became the total opposite, and I accepted that, because even I wasn't the same person I use to be.

It made me think of Uncle Andrew's second condition, if there happen to be an attack related to the supernatural we would that care of it, but since it was a small town, it wasn't very likely something like that would occur.

I did suggest that we find a place that wasn't surrounded by a lot of people, and my brother agreed, Xavier was able to get a small place that was located in the beginning of the forest, going too deep could be dangerous he said, and this way, people would know we exist if something were to ever happen like it did in the past, which I highly doubt.

It was a small two story house, it was painted a light grey, it fitted perfectly with the weather, I only stared at it for awhile, just as a big sigh left my lips. Xavier turned to stare at me in question.

"You okay?" He asks, I could detect the worry in his voice.

"Yeah. Just preparing myself for whatever is to come our way, as soon as we are completely moved in." I told him honestly, he didn't like it when I lied to him, especially about my feelings.

The movers helped us carrying everything into the house, placing things down wherever they found space, with a small thank you from me they immediately left after everything was unloaded, the driver did inform us that our bikes would arrive first thing the next morning, even before we would have to be at school, which was great news for both Xavier and I, we didn't really like driving the car, we will when we really have too.

When it came to choosing rooms, Xavier choose the room closest to the stairs and I took the room closest to the bathroom, there was no way i was gonna let Xavier use the bathroom first in the mornings, he takes longer in there, than a girl. We came to a agreement, of who would unpack and orginaze which parts of the house.

I ended up finding a hidden closet in the hallway, by accident, the door wasn't even that noticeable, it ended up being the perfect place we could put all our gear and weapons, if we ever get visitors, they won't even know that closet exists.

Slowly the place started looking like home, and that's when I realized It was starting to get really late, my stomach was groaning of hunger as soon as my body stopped moving around, asking Xavier, I just ordered us some food, we also took a break.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Xavier suddenly asks, reminding me we have school tomorrow.

"I'm just a little nervous, but I'm sure I'll be okay." I state, just as the doorbell rang, a sign that our food has arrived. Xavier went to the door, as I got our plates ready.

We sat and ate in silence, the thing about me and my brother is that we didn't have to talk that much, we understood each other, like how I knew that after we were finished eating, neither one of us would go to bed, until every box was unpacked, even if It means we stay up all night to get It done, it would only bother us if we were to stop now.

After our little break, we dove right back in, I was humming to myself the rest of the night, as the boxes finally seemed to get less, I didn't even notice Xavier standing close to where i was busy, listening to the song I was humming, it was a song our mother use to sing to us.

The longest of nights  finally felt like a victory when the last box ended up empty, I was finally able to get on my bed and lay down, my head barely touched the pillow, and I was out like a broken light, entering the world of nightmares.


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