《Butterfly 蝴蝶 》

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Sarada's POV:

Three long years had passed since Boruto left the Leaf Village. To the villagers, he had become a symbol of betrayal and danger. Only me and Sumire knew the truth, a secret that we bore silently, which painted a different picture of Boruto.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, I had sought solace from Shikamaru, who was now the 8th hokage of Konoha.As stupid as it may seem, I'm determined to persist until he and all the people of Konoha discover the truth about Boruto's innocence.

As I approached him, my voice trembling with urgency, to reveal the hidden truth that had eluded everyone. But my pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Shikamaru," I had implored, "you have to listen. Boruto is innocent. There's a deception, a rewriting of history. It's Kawaki who-"

He had cut me off with a stern look, his gaze unwavering. "Sarada,I don't have time for these conspiracies. ."

I had tried to explain further, to make him understand the gravity of the situation, but my words had fallen upon a wall of skepticism and disbelief. The village had been ensnared in a web of falsehoods, and my voice alone could not pierce the veil of deception.

"Why won't you understand?"I forcefully slammed my palms down upon the table, causing it to reverberate with the impact. The exasperation that had been building within me spilled over into my words.
"I've explained it to you many times,right?" I exclaimed, frustration evident in my voice.

"Thats my line Sarada" he retorted, his annoyance and anger manifesting as a visible tension in his posture and a sharp edge to his tone."He's crossed the line and wants to kill Kawaki. To make matters worse he's a hokage killer."

The disbelief welled up within me until it felt like a storm ready to break.

"I'm saying that the Original Premise is wrong!" My insistence reverberated with conviction, and my eyebrows furrowed with determination.

"Boruto isn't the Type of Person to kill the Seventh!" I continued, my tone unwavering.

"At least give him a Chance to Explain!" I pleaded, the urgency in my voice palpable as I implored them to consider the gravity of their actions.

"If he's innocent why did he run?"Konohamaru-sensei's question hung heavily in the air. "Theres also information about eidas clairvoyance."

"I beg you to take it back"I said with growing anger, my voice a passionate plea."Anybody would run if they're targeted by a kill on sight order"I continued. "Please just listen to him."

Shikamaru took a thoughtful pause, his brow furrowing as he carefully weighed his words.
"listen,Sarda. The Santions against Boruto were in Accordance with the Regulations.It's also the Will of the Hidden Leaf's Citizens.No matter what I order, It won't convince them."

"Many People living in the Village felt angry at his Betrayal." He clarified,"It is the last time, this is the End of the Discussion.If you understand, just go back to your Mission."

"You Fools!!" My frustration and anger reached a boiling point, and my voice rang out loudly, echoing through the room.

"Oi,Sarada!Watch your Attitude with Lord Eight!"Konohamaru-sensei's voice rose in an attempt to restore order, and his stern admonition reverberated in the room.

"Stop it, Konohamaru!" Shikamaru interupted, using his authority to quell the rising tension and bring calm to the room.

"Sarada,I'm worried about you",Shikamaru began, his voice tinged with genuine concern as he addressed my stubbornness."If you keep this up, you'll forever be a Genin, lineable to be Hokage."

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