《❁Memories Of You❁》

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3'rd Person POV:
Not my favourite lol》

"That didn't go so well, did it, Boruto?" Code said, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he glared at Boruto, who stood defiantly in front of him, his arms crossed.

"I brought you here to stop your madness, not to indulge in your mind games, Code."

Code's grin widened, clearly enjoying the discomfort he was causing. "You're quite the hero, aren't you? "

Boruto's eyes narrowed, his tone icy.
"I didn't bring you here for small talk. Hand me over the Ten-Tails if you want to survive and be useful for once, or await death in silence."

"Why would I do that?" Code scoffed, his laughter echoing through the tense air. "What makes you think I'd hand over the Ten-Tails just because you demand it?"

Boruto stood firm, his voice steady."You mistake my intentions, Code. I have no interest in bargaining. I'm giving you a choice: surrender now and maybe, just maybe, you'll live to see another day. Defy me, and your fate is sealed."

Code's eyes glinted with amusement, clearly amused by Boruto's resolve. "You're bold, I'll give you that," he said, his tone dripping with mockery. "But your words are just empty talk, Boruto. Three years ago, you couldn't beat me. What makes you think you can now?"

"And what makes you think I cpuldn't kill you? Maybe it's just your ego talking."

"Go ahead, underestimate me. I've faced worse threats than you." Code sneered, unfazed by the doubts, his confidence shining through.

Boruto smirks, his voice cutting through the tension. "You know, Code," he says, his tone laced with confidence, "Your arrogance is truly impressive. Pity it won't save you now."

With determination burning in his eyes, Boruto swiftly gathered chakra, his hands forming the familiar shape of the Rasengan. But this time, he infused it with the Earth's spinning chakra, creating the Rasengan Uzuhiko. The air crackled with energy as he lunged towards Code, who attempted to dodge but found himself disoriented by the swirling chakra.

Instantly, Code's world spun out of control. His vision blurred, and his balance deserted him. He stumbled, desperately trying to regain his footing, but every attempt only left him more disoriented. Boruto's strategy had worked perfectly, leaving Code vulnerable and defenseless.

"You talk too much for someone with so little to back it up, Code."Boruto said, his voice firm as he watched him struggle. "Be useful for once and hand me over the Ten-Tails."

Code gritted his teeth, his usual composure shattered. He realized he had underestimated Boruto's growth and determination. With every ounce of strength he could muster, he tried to counter the effects of the Uzuhiko, but it was pointless. He was at Boruto's mercy.

"Boruto," a familiar voice said.

Boruto looked at Kawaki, who was now standing in front of him.


"You really should watch who's behind you next time," Kawaki said with a deep voice.

"I'm in the middle of a conversation.Didn't your parents teach you any manners about interrupting?" Boruto replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"Oh, now that I remember, you don't have a mother, and your father was an alcoholic," Boruto said, his words sharp.

Without saying anything, Kawaki activated his karma and struck in Boruto's direction, but Boruto swiftly moved out of the way.

"I guess I can say the same about you, Boruto."

Boruto, momentarily distracted by the exchange, looked back to Code's direction, only to realize he wasn't there anymore.

"Sorry, I would love to keep this up, but we're going to have to wait for our fight, Kawaki," Boruto said with sarcasm, his eyes sharpened with determination.

"You're lucky, I'm letting you go this time since I have to deal with something, myself," Kawaki said, his voice low.

Boruto let out a deep, mocking chuckle, his head thrown back. "Consider yourself fortunate," he said, before making his way out.


Sorry for this short Chapter
The next one is going to be a little longer :)

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