《Your choice あなたの選択》

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Sarada's POV:

"He deserves a spot in the Bingo Book after what he did to Lord Seventh," Chocho stated, her eyes fixed on me.

"Why won't you agree, Sarada?" she asked, waiting for my response.

No one in the village, except Sumire and me, knew the truth. The fact that Kawaki manages to do stuff like that and get away with it really pisses me of. Now, everybody, including Chocho, thinks I'm going insane.

"Don't bring this up again, Chocho," I said, annoyed, my thoughts drifting away.

"But why won't you agree? I really don't get it, especially since Lord Seventh was your role model," Chocho said, sounding frustrated.

"I don't owe you an explanation. Keep your opinions to yourself and deal with it."

Chocho crossed her arms and huffed, clearly annoyed with my response. She shot back, "Well, excuse me for caring. Whatever, do what you always do - shut me out."


But before I could say anything, she was already gone.

I sighed.

Chocho was just worried, but I couldn't risk her getting involved. I knew I couldn't keep shutting everyone out, especially her, but the mere thought of them holding Boruto as the villain made my blood boil, and I couldn't bear hearing others speak like that about him.

About my best friend

The person who taught me the true meaning of loyalty

The one who challenged my limits and pushed me to grow

The person who was the reason for me awakening my mangekyou sharingan

I try really hard to be angry with him. I want to be mad because he left me, ignored me for years, and went away with my father, whom I also haven't seen in three years. But no matter how much I try, I just can't be mad at him.


I walked into the house, mom was in the kitchen, her back turned as she cooked. She glanced over her shoulder, a soft smile forming on her lips.

"Hey, Sarada! How was your day?" Her voice was warm, the kind that used to calm me instantly.

"Fine," I mumbled, trying to shrug it off.
I moved to the dining room, and Mom followed, her steps hesitant. "Is everything okay, sweetheart? You've seemed distant lately."

"I'm fine, mom," I replied, my gaze fixed on the floor.

As we both sat down for dinner, Mom started a conversation. "I'm relieved Boruto's gone. It's better for everyone's safety."

Her words hit a nerve in me. "I don't want to talk about this again, mom. It's been three years."

She looked at me, concern etched in her eyes. "Sarada, I know you miss him, but he is a traitor who took the life of Naruto and Hinata. You shouldn't feel bad for him; he got what he deserved."

"He got what he deserved?' I cut in, my frustration bubbling over. "So, I'm guessing you're glad that he's in the Bingo Book?"

Her expression softened, and she reached out tentatively. "Sarada, I understand this is a difficult time for you. But sometimes, you got to do what's best for the village."

"And what about Boruto?" I stood abruptly, feeling the walls between us grow taller with every word. "You don't even try to see things differently. You're believing everything they tell you!"

She sighed, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness. "Things have changed these past few years. It's not just hard for you, you know. I also lost two people I cared about. Two of my best friends were killed by someone I trusted, someone I let into my home."

My anger faltered, replaced by a pang of guilt. "I just wish you'd believe in him."

She looked at me, her gaze soft yet laden. "I believe in you, Sarada. And I'm trying to protect you."

A moment passed before she spoke softly, trying to bridge the gap between us. "I hope you understand why I worry, dear. I know you care about him, but right now, you need to focus on what's safer for everyone."

I looked down, feeling a twinge of guilt for making her worry. The food on my plate remained untouched, my appetite lost amidst our strained conversation.

I stormed out, leaving Mom sitting there, her worried gaze following me. But I couldn't stay. Not when she is blinded by Eida's Power.

How could they not see? Boruto was not the villain they painted him to be. Yet, here I was, drowning in their misconceptions.

"Kawaki you big piece of shit." I screamed at the top of my lungs, the words echoing off the walls of my room, pacing back and forth in my room. My thoughts were raging within me, refusing to calm down.

Mom's words echoed in my mind. Focus on what's safer for the village?But at what cost? Boruto was my childhood friend, someone I'd known for years. Yet, the boy I encountered a few days back was unrecognizable. His once vibrant eyes, full with joy and light, had turned icy and distant. The warmth that defined him was gone, replaced by coldness, as though I was a complete stranger to him.

I collapsed onto my bed, burying my face in my hands.
"I need to do something," I muttered to myself, wiping away frustrated tears. But what could I possibly do? How could I make them understand, see things from my perspective? How could I help Boruto?

The door creaked open, and Mom's voice floated in, hesitant. "Sarada, are you okay?"

"Go away, Mom," I managed to say, my voice shaky with emotion.

Silence hung in the air for a moment before the door softly closed again, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


Hi everyone, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! :) Personally, I think it turned out pretty well, even though it took some time lmfao

If you have any thoughts or ideas for the story, feel free to comment! Just a heads up, the next two chapters might take a bit longer because I've got more exams at school. Sorry about that in advance ^^

❁Shadows❁ |Timeskip|Borusara|Boruto X Sarada Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ