Chapter 7

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The silence of the car ride back was one of the most intense I had ever felt. Sam kept looking back in the mirror to check on me, but I was too empty to cry.

Dean said that we needed to switch motels. The two men had been there far too long in there, so we packed up and went to another one.

Dean went in to get a room while Sam and I sat in the Impala, waiting. He came back out and gave us the key and instructed us to where the new room was.

It was only about four in the afternoon, but I was extremely tired, and I struggled to keep my eyes open. I didn't even bother help unpack anything, not that there was too much to pack. Instead, I laid down and went to sleep.

I was running. Running faster than I ever had before. What I was running from was unknown to me, but from my ultimate fear, I knew I had to get away from whatever it was. Up ahead I could see my destination, the light glowing in the brightest white ever.

I would be safe there, I knew. And if I didn't make it, I'd die

The creature slithered from behind me, slowly gaining speed. It was catching up to me, and fear pulsed through my body. I pushed my legs harder because the shadows from everything were following me. My chest constricted from the exertion.

I felt the creature scatch at my bare feet and I thought I was a goner, but then the light blossomed. It engulfed me in a fire-bright light and warmth surrounded me.

The place was beautiful. If I had to explain what it was, I would say that it looked like a gigantic greenhouse. Plants of every kind were there, from flowers, to cacti, to trees. The air smelled so clean and raw-earth-like. To my left were red flowers from the tropics, petals long and pointed, and the gel-like substance in the middle was slightly glowing, though it could have just been a trick of light. To my right there were purple and yellow fruits hanging from vines. I picked a purple one up and smelled it. It smelled just like the air: clean, but this had a sweeter essence.

I turned around to look at the shadows I was running from but they were gone. The walls of the greenhouse were covering the entrance I came from -- if there even was an entrance.

This new place filled me with so much peacefulness that I simply smiled and sat down on the falled tree trunk right next to me.

"Julia Dorman. We meet at last."

I jumped and turned around, my heartbeat speeding up again. A man stood a few feet away. . He had a clean shaven face and dark hair. He was very blessed with pale skin and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. I would even go as far as saying they were blue eyes only described in books. He wore a trenchcoat, and I almost laughed at it.

"I am the angel Castiel. I was sent here to tell you the truth about your family." His voice was low and gruff.

I raised my eyebrows. "What about them?"

He stared at me for a long moment, then said, just as gruffly, "You're an orphan. You never once wondered about your real family. Your happy and blessed feelings with the family you stayed with quenched the curiosity. I wasnt supposed to tell you this so soon, but plans can change under certain circumstances. And under these circumstances... I will just tell you.

"Jules, Sam and Dean are your real family."

I made the oddest sound. "Get out."

"I do not understand what that means. I am an angel of the Lord. I cannot simply leave of here without finding a way of convincing you." Jeez, could his voice get any gruffer?

"Listen," I said, "I don't believe in angels..." I thought about something then, thinking it was a rational explanation. "I'm dreaming, aren't I?"

Castiel sighed and turned away. "Just ask Dean about me. Maybe you'll believe me then." he looked back at me, and drew closer, so his face was right in mine. His electric blue eyes stared into me, like he was reading my soul. I would have blushed if I wasn't dreaming. His extreme closeness made me uncomfortable. "And now, it is time to wake up."

I shot up out of my bed. My heart was pounding and I was sweating like I really had run like in my dream.


Sam was sleeping on the other bed and Dean seemed to be snuggled up on the ground with a thin blanket and a pillow.

Guilt enveloped me. I should've really given Dean my bed, instead of having him sleep on the floor.

I didn't think I'd be able to go back to sleep after the dream I'd just had, so I got up and tiptoed to the bathroom for a shower.

Never in my life had I enjoyed a shower more. Even more than the time I had gone camping for 3 days and wasn't able to shower that whole time. I felt so disgusting, and getting clean felt like the only way I would be calm about anything.

The whole hour of my shower, I didn't think about anything, though. My mind was blank, and oddly I enjoyed it.

My hair was wet and stringy by the time I got out. Water dripped onto my shoulders, and by the time I got dressed (in some more of Dean's clothes) it was 4 in the morning.

I slept for 11 hours, before my shower. I laid on the bed and sighed, knowing it would be impossible for me to get back to sleep.

After thirty minutes, I gave up and sat up.

If my mom was here I would be able to tell her about my dream without her thinking anything odd about me dreaming of angels talking to me. She'd laugh and share her weird dreams she had when she was my age. I'd have heard them all before, but I'd laugh nonetheless.

I checked to make sure the two men were sleeping completely before I let go of the tears that were pooling in my eyes.

I didn't break down and start sobbing, like I thought I would have if I let it go. I just let a few tears release. It wasn't enough, and I spent a long time just staring at nothing.

When the sunlight started to stream through the cracks in the curtains, I forced the emptiness away so I would be fine for the day. The boys wouldn't see how miserable I was.

Sam woke up not long afterwards to shower.

Dean didn't sleep for much longer after that. The shower was just starting to run when Dean grunted and said, "They need to make motels that have three beds."

I laughed. His head shot up like he just remembered I was there. Maybe he saw the dark circles under my eyes, but he looked down at the floor. Then, as if something completely switched in him, he jumped up and said,"I have the perfect idea."


"Yep. Today, you and me and Sam are going to go somewhere."

He sparked my interest. "Where?"

"To Batman's lair." I rolled my eyes. He laughed, and said mysteriously, "You'll find out soon enough."

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