Chapter 15

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We made it to my old state in 24 hours. In another few hours we made it to my old city. It was super cold outside, and I had to wear my leather jacket to keep myself warm, along with my black hiking boots I was given.

I wasn't sure how they knew where the vamps were, but we got out of the car, a mile from the vampire coven, and grabbed our knives and machetes. I supposed I shouldn't question them, because they were the experts, but I was rather curious how they found out every single thing on the face of this earth. That was exaggerating, of course, but, hey, teenage girls tend to do exactly that.

I was given the smallest knife, at one and a half feet long. Dean didn't say it, but I knew he didn't trust me to get hurt with a longer sword thing.

I rolled my eyes but didn't argue with him, because, for one, it was still a long knife, and I felt like a ninja holding it in my hands, and two, as soon as we hid the car, Dean told us this simple plan: 1. Take them by surprise. 2. Kill as many SOB's as was possible. And 3. Try to save one so we could question it on whatever it was they had.

And then we were on the move.

While we were stealthily walking, I asked dean quietly, "What is it they have that we want, exactly?"

He sighed. "You know, I'm not quite sure on the details. I just know that they have what we need; or at least know what it is that we want."

"Oh," I mumbled, and we continued on.

We had to move through trees and bushes and tons of other tall plants to make it through to the vampires. I got scratches on my arms and face from running into twigs and branches, but I didnt say anything, because I wanted to prove how much I really did belong there, hunting. The sun wasn't out and the wind nipped at my nose and ears. Adrenaline was bursting through my veins and I had to tell myself several times to calm down, because I was practically bouncing on the way, with nervousness and excitement.

We finally made it to the building. Though, in my opinion, it was less of a building and more of an old, tattered barn. The brown paint was peeling off and it looked like it hadnt been occupied in 20 years. It smelled just like a normal barn. 

"Vampires live in this?" I asked, unbelieving. 

"They can't live somewhere that will attract attention," Sam whispered.

I didn't say anything. I just nodded my head, and continued with life.

Dean opened the barn door slowly. He looked inside just as gently. I was practically standing on my toes from excitement. I wasn't sure how it was going to play out, but just doing something was enough to make me feel alive.

Before I met Sam and Dean, I didn't know how much I honestly enjoyed just doing stuff and being on the move. Pretty much all I would do all day long is sit down, watch a movie, read a book, catch up on my favorite TV shows, and I thought I enjoyed it. But now, as I did something, I felt like I could do anything, and that just sitting was not what I wanted to do. It was like I was born to do this.

Dean nodded his head, indicating that we could go in. I followed closely behind him, and Sam closely behind me. We tiptoed inside, trying to be as silent as possible.

We split up. Dean wanted me to go with him, so I did, even though I wanted to work my own. I moved closely behind him, looking around. I wasn't sure whether we were looking for the leader of the coven or what, but I just followed his lead. Soon Sam was far behind us, and I had to forget about him because he .

The first vampire we saw was sleeping in a hammock. And so was the next. And the next. It seemed that every vampire was asleep. I wasn't surprised, because it was the middle of the day and thats when vampires went to sleep, but it made me feel more tense. The fact that one of them could wake up and sound a surprise warning to the others was more stressful than if they already knew we were here and were fighting us.

From room to room there was nothing out of the ordinary besides, obviously, sleeping vampires. In my old world, that wasn't normal. Still, there weren't that many. There were 8, as far as we counted. We weren't sure, obviously, where Sam was, nor did we know how many he had counted, but there wasn't much, I was sure of that.

The walls were wooden, and litte sunlight was seeping in through the cracks in the wood. It was warm inside, which I was surprised to find, because outside was so cold. I would have taken off my jacket if I had time. 

I tripped over something, falling onto the floor. I almost cried out, but forced it down. It was almost silent, the fall. It hurt, yes, but the agility I learned from Sam and Dean graced me with silence. Dean looked back at me, wearing an expression that said 'Really, Jules? Really?' An embarassed smile made its way to my face and I looked at the ground, when I saw what I tripped on.

I almost gasped when I saw what it was. A friendship bracelet, made with string and beads, was lying on the floor. The beads read, "BEST FRIENDS FOREVER."

"What the-" I whispered.

Dean shushed me, looking at me like I was an idiot, until it clicked in my head that I had made noise.

We both looked up, suddenly on alert, making sure nothing was waking up.

Nothing was.

We both inaudibly sighed.

I stood up and started to walk again. As I walked slowly, fondling the bracelet, I hugged the walls. Dean stayed right in front of me, as he had before. But then, I felt an invisible force pull me to one room. I tried to resist it, but before I knew it, slowly and silently, I moved so Dean couldn't see me, and moved to that room.

The door opened with a quiet creak. In a few seconds, I was in the room and walking toward where force's source came from, which was the hammock hanging from the ceiling. I felt like I was floating as soon as I entered the room, and as I moved closed to the hammock. It also felt like the hammock was a million miles away, and the more I moved, the farther it went away.  I knew there was a vampire in the hammock, but I hoped to the high heavens that the black long hair didn't belong to who I thought it was, even though the evidence was right there in my face. My conscience was screaming at me to get out of there, to leave it all alone, to stay away from this building, but my body wouldn't let me. I physically couldn't turn around and walk away, even though I knew it was going to end bad.

I finally made it to the swinging bed and looked down at the soft face. My suspicions were sadly confirmed.

With a loud gasp, I said, "Alyssa," not even thinking about anything that would be rather logical, like to be quiet, or feeling the way my entire body went cold. All I could do was just think, 'not her, not her, why is it her?'

Her eyes snapped open and I was sad to see her eyes were red. As fast as light, she was out of her bed and right in front of me. Alyssa face was inches from mine, and I could recognize the little changed that vampirism gave her: smoother skin, wider eyes, and thicker hair and longer lashes.  She showed me her now-sharp teeth and smiled.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here?"

In The Supernaturalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें