Chapter 25

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Not being able to comfort your loved ones while they are hurt is hard. But having to ignore it completely? It was agony.

My heart ached as I leaned nonchalantly against one of the walls as I was forced to listen to Sam and Dean "shut up." I couldn't let his demon know any weaknesses so I stood with a bored expression.

She talked to me about things that weren't important, as if trying to lull me into a false sense of security. But I knew better. After minutes of listening to her commenting on the weather and my outfit, I was fed up. "Just tell me what you want."

Her lips clamped together and her jaw ticked. "I don't like to be interrupted."

"And I don't like my time being wasted. Tell me what you want. Holy fu-"

"No need for language."

I cocked an eyebrow.

She laughed. "Okay, okay. You are very funny when you get impatient. You'll have to learn that when you become mine, you will have to be... a bit more..." She reached into her bag and pulled out a gun.

The gun.

My pulse jumped, and I shifted uncomfortably. The woman noticed and smirked slight. "I see you're familiar with this. I'll start from the beginning...

"My name is Colava. I grew up many years ago in France. I died and became a very very strong demon. The King of Hell is dead and gone and we need a new ruler. At the moment there are three different candidates for the job: Damon, Elliot, and I.You have actually met Damon, but we'll get to that later... I will be the ruler. I have the most followers. I have the most control. I am the strongest, the fastest, the smartest.. I will be the best ruler that hell has ever had. My only issue at the moment is not having a strong enough vessel. I-"

"Why would you need a vessel," I inturrupted, trying to ignore the sudden silence from outside the hospital doors. "If you're a demon, why do you have to allow me to take over you. Why can't you just.. take over me."

Colava smirked. "Are you wanting me to just take over you?"

"Oh, I'm not complaining. Merely curious."

"Ah, curiosity killed the cat-"

"-But satisfaction brought it back." I finished the quote with a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

Her lips pursed. "Of course. I know you wouldn't be quite as complacent if you didn't have any say, so I will give you one. You are strong, Jules. I could have anyone in this entire world, and I go with you. Do you know why that is?"

"I wouldn't be standing here if I did," I said under my breath.

"It is because you are just like me. Strong. Willing to make sacrifices. Unwilling to let anyone know your weaknesses. I know you, Jules, inside and out. I've been inside your head. I know what you really desire, and the funniest thing is that you don't even know it." She ran her fingers through her shiney black hair like a little school girl. It would have looked innocent if her skin hadn't peeled off with the movement.

"Is this body not strong enough for you?" I pointed at the dead skin hanging from her hair. "Or are you not strong enough for it?"

Colava immediately glowered. "I am too strong for this meat sack to handle. It is a disgusting body. You are so much stronger than this. Even your mind is stronger. You killed someone very loyal to me... I thought I would be angry, but you did it with so much pizzaz. Just say one sentence of an exorcism? The full spell isn't supposed to kill a demon! Much less a sentence of it!"

I was immediately swung back into the pain of remembering what had happened that night. When everything changed. Or more, those days. Tortured, waking up better. Tortured, waking up clean. I could handle that, but the second it was more than just physical pain.... I had to leave.

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