Chapter 23 - Event

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I return to Elliot's apartment, exhausted. Lila's eyes watch mine, scanning my body. I looked as though I had bathed in it, "You look like you need a cigarette." Lila put, holding out a fag that she was holding.

I scoff, taking it from her and letting the nicotine enter my body.
"Are you gonna tell me what's going on? I'm so confused."

I chuckle softly, shaking my head, taking another puff before handing it back to her, walking away, leaving her in her own thoughts.

I peep through the door to a spare room, seeing Nicole sound asleep. I smile gently.

The door bursts open, Five walks through.
His eyes watch mine, looking up and down at me, "What the fuck have you done?!"

I shrug, closing Nicole's door, standing face to face with Five.
"You're on news Beatrix." He spoke firmly, turning the tv on.

I giggle, "It's not the first Five. I'm gonna take a shower and wash the innocents blood off of me."

I brush him off, retreating into the shower, washing the black and red sweet blood off of me, it was a good feeling but a bad feeling at the same time.

I exit the shower, suddenly it was daytime, Five was pacing the room, Lila had gone out for the night but returned to nurture Diego's wounds.

Diego winces as Lila removes his plaster, "So what you just let her go?"

Five paced, clasping his hands together, "Well Vanya had a lot of process."

I sat down, "You found Vanya?"

The room went silent as they all stood looking at me like I was a ghost, "What?"

The door opened, "Mummy!" Nicole screamed, jumping into my arms like a monkey.

I smiled softly, holding her in my lap, she handed me another drawing, I choose not to look at it, just complimented her and putting it under the sofa.

Elliot was out of his chair, handing everyone around some coffee, apart from me. I avoid eye contact at him, but all he could do was stare me down as he sat.

Five sat down next to me, I drowned out their conversation about their father and how he stabbed Diego, "Shockingly, you're not dead. Be grateful Diego, if I would be me would was killing you, you would've been an atom by now."

I steal Fives coffee, sipping it. Nicole held out her hands for Five, he took a second glance as Nicole, eventually caving and holding her onto his lap.

I chuckle softly.

"Luckily enough I know where dads gonna be tonight." Five held out a piece of paper from his blazer and forcing it over to Diego.

He eyes narrowed, "Where did you get this?"

Five smirked, "In his office whilst dad was too busy stabbing you."

He laughs sarcastically, both Lila and Diego leer at it.

Elliot exhales excitedly as he walks over to his desk, seemed to know about what we were talking about, "They're a secret government. They've only identified 11 so far."

Diego grunts as he sat up, "So who's the twelve?"

Fives head tilt, smirking maliciously.

We left Nicole with Elliot and went over to the gala, I was wearing a black skin tight dress, with pink lip gloss on, red high heels that make me look the same height as Five.

All four of us were hiding behind a blue car, Lila was wearing a blue silky dress as Five was in his casual blazer and school boy shorts.

Lila sighs, crouched behind Diego wearing a blue suit and tie, "So what's the plan?"

"We infiltrate, we identify, we extract. Double time." Diego responds, leaning his head over the car.

I scoff, "You guys are pussies."
I stood up, trying to walk away but Five pulls me back behind him, "Bee no, do I dare to remind you that you're on the most wanted list and your face is recognizable."

Rolling my eyes, my hands rest on Fives back to keep my balance.

"After you." Lila whispers.

Five gives her a look, narrowing his eyes, "What, I can't be polite?!"

Five spits, "Cut the crap. All right? My dim witted brother might buy your bullshit, but I don't trust you for a second."

"Ouch." I chuckle silently.

"O ye of little faith." She frowns.

"Stick it up your ass." His jaw clenched.

They both went quiet before Lila retreats towards Diego, hiding behind cars, I decide to take my own route, completely walking off into another direction.

There was beautiful music playing as I walked through the door, stealing a glass of champagne from a waiter.
I take a sip and slowly walk my way around, luckily eyes weren't on me, so I was lucky.

I see Diego and Lila dancing, I gag and walk away quickly, until I meet the stairs upstairs, sliding my hands up the rich banisters.

Walking through the hallway, it was completely empty and quiet, all I could hear was the sound of my own breathing.

I hum softly, eventually coming across a human, he was dressed in a white tire, he had some sort of weapon in his hands, I put my champagne to the side of me.

He didn't say a word, only quickly running towards me, I hurriedly try to reach into my pocket, but he got to me to fast, throwing my bag across the room.

He thrusts me against the wall, trying to impale me, I managed to kick his stomach, he falls back grunting, "Guess we'll do this the old fashioned way." I sigh.

My fists his his nose, making him bleed, I quickly push him to the ground, his arms wrap around my waist, throwing me to the floor. I throw myself back onto my feet and head butting his head with my own.

He groans, falling to his ass. My knee hits his face once again, blood pours from his mouth as he spits it onto my shoes.

"That's no way to treat a lady." I pant, wrapping my legs around his waist and throwing him against the window. It shatters.

Blood spikes from me as it hits my skin. I grunt, the knife he yielded strikes me in my stomach, i yelp, falling back onto the wall, holding my stomach.

He smirks maliciously, removing the knife, holding it up into the sky towards me, but something stops him.

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