Chapter 24 - Luther

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Five grabs him by the arm, throwing him against the floor, dropping the knife. He blinks towards it, grabbing it then blinking back to the man, slyly stabbing him in the chest, ruining his white suit, the man groans, falling to his knees.

Five slices the knife out of his chest, handing it back to me. I lick the sweet blood off of the blade and tucking it into my bra.

I could feel dark blood patter down my stomach, I hold my hand over it, trying to stop the bleeding. Five winces, ripping a piece of his white shirt and wrapping it 'round my stomach.

"Fuck. Looks like that hurts." He groaned, wrapped my arm round his shoulder keeping me up on my feet.

Another man in a white suit walks into the room, I chuckle, pushing myself away from Five. He blinks over to the man, hitting him on the head and thrusting him to the ground.

He man picks up Five, hitting him against the wall, but Five blinks away behind him and kicking his leg until he toppled over.

Five strained himself his he tries to snap his neck, holding the man tightly in his grip. Five hurriedly blinks away from the last man's punch, he turns around, I see as Five struggles to blink, "Oh, shit."

Five was getting beat the shit out of until Diego patters up the stairs, "Diego!" I scream, seeing a figure behind him.

Diego is took by the throat with a piece of rope, he gasps. A third man enters, beating Diego as he's being held still by the second man.

Lila skips up the stairs, seeing both Five and Diego struggle for their lives. With hesitation she decides to help Five, jumping onto the man's back and swinging him to the floor.

Five manages to crawl away, throwing the man out of the window. He blinks away down stairs and Lila runs down the stairs.

I wince, seeing Diego fight for his life, I stand up grabbing Diego's knife that was laying on the floor, throwing it at the last standing man in the arm, he groans, he's pushed against the wall by Diego until they both fall out of the window.

"Dumbass." I breathily spoke, quickly running down the stairs out into the street, Five was stood next to Lila, yelling at the strange man.

I punch Fives arm, "Wasn't very nice leaving me and Diego to defend for each other."

Diego joins all of us, he gives Lila a look, barely even batting an eye to me or Five.

We all return back to Elliot's apartment to walk into him making eggs, Nicole immediately runs up to me, I smile with my grinning and lift her up, hugging her, "Hey baby."

"Hi mommy. Look." She smiles, handing me another picture, at least point I don't even look at it and just put it into my pocket.

I gasp loudly, seeing Luther pop out from around the corner, "Jesus bloody christ Luther."

I drop Nicole he waves innocently, "Great. Family back together." Five puts sarcastically.

Diego and Five was verbally assaulting each other in my peripheral vision, "Can you guys shut the fuck up?"

Fives eyes narrow, putting his hands in his pockets, "No. Because the world is ending in 6 days and the closest anyone's ever gotten to him was at the gala."

Luther eye brows furrowed, "Well.. that's not exactly true."
"I went on a bus all the way to Dallas and dad was throwing a party which I attended and I saw him."

"Well did you talk to him?" Five moved in curiously.

Luther shrugged, "Kind of."

Five groans, moving back and sitting down onto the yellow sofa. Nicole stared at him for a second before jumping up onto the couch and sitting next to him.

"Oh— yeah I'm meant to ask you. Who's that?" Luther queries, pointing at Nicole.

"My daughter." I concede.

His brows raised, "Oh. Is she Fives?"

"Yes." I respond.

"Sadly." Five exhales, muttering under his breath.

Nicole frowns, although she's young, she can easily understand emotions and words, I could tell that that sentence hurt her.

"Quit being a bitch Five." Diego joined in, folding his arms.

Luther sat down to eat his eggs, Elliot walked into the room, "Is that my bathrobe?"

"No." Luther hesitated, still munching on his food like an absolute pig.

"Why can't you guys just time travel out of here?" Elliot queries.

I scoff, "The last time that happened Five fucked us and scattered us across Dallas in different years. Speaking of which, where's Allison, Vanya and Klaus?"

Luther stopped eating within a second, "I saw Allison."

The room went quiet, all staring over at Luther, "So where is she?" I query.

Luther exhales shakily, looking like he's on the verge of crying, "Last I saw she was living with her husband but still in communication with Klaus."

"The only way this will work if we bring the Umbrella Academy back together. And I mean. All of us." Five pours himself a coffee, sipping it.

I walk into the other room, groaning, looking at Nicole, "Hey, love."

Her eyes softened as she saw me, "Wanna draw with me?"

I shake my head slowly, "You just draw honey."

I haven't seen her properly draw, she does it really quickly, making me jump. My heart pounded, "Wait. Lemme see that."

I grab the sheet of paper. There was names labeled above the heads of the stick people it wrote, 'Mommy, Daddy, Allison, Vanya, Luther, Diego, Klaus, Reginald.' We all were sat around a round table.

I nudge her shoulder, "How did you know how to draw this?" I point towards the paper I'm holding.

She shrugs, "Not sure. I just draw whatever they tell me to."

"Who? Who's telling you to draw this?" My brows furrow, trying to stay calm.

Her lips purse, "The people."

I clench my jaw, feeling my heart pacing, "Nicole. Who are the people."

Her brows furrowed, "The people in my head."

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