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It started with one glass, then one bottle and then a few more.

Then i stop counting.

This guy is definitely hot. Or I might be starting to get drunk.

I dont talk to strangers, until I knew him.

"Cheers!" We screamed. And laughed so hard.

"What's ur name?" He asked.

"Does it matter?" I said.

The bar was so loud, and we both had this most evil laugh in our faces.

"Let's get out of here!" He said, and pulled my hand.

We ran outside, I saw my barkada's face darken. They were obviously worried. I shook my hand to wave goodbye,and one of them tried running after me.

But, we ran so fast.

"Ayaaaaaaaaa!" One of my guy friends screamed at us.

We ran even faster, as if two kids playing hide and seek.

He ran after us, and we went to a little dark street and hid there.

"FUCK. where the hell did she go?!" He was obviously mad.

A few more second and he went away.

I cannot stop laughing, we were both laughing our ass out.

Then, our eyes met.

It was dark.

He went closer.

I leaned forward.

Then. It happened.

That was my first kiss.

Everything was so fast. From an unexpected kiss, i felt the effect of all of the alcohol I drank. Plus the stupid running.

I felt sick. I kept it in. But I guess i really cant.

I vomit on him.

"Ewwww." He said.

And I passed out.

I smelled coffee. It smells heavenly.

I open my eyes to see myself in a couch, the place is extremely strange.

Everything is in white, with different textures. The sofa bed where I am sitting, the entertainment set, the walls.

Everything was white and overly organized.

I looked at myself, I wasn't wearing a tshirt at the bar. Was I?

Panic has started to creep to me.

Oh fuck. Have I given more than just a kiss?


I was about to lose my mind when a familiar face reappeared. I almost smacked my head in the floor trying to hide my face.

I almost fell,when his hand catch me just in the nick of time.

"Are you really this clumsy?" He smiled at me.

I saw his face, he got this james dean vibe in his smile. And it was definitely hot.

I could feel my face blushing.

"Its quite hot." I said.

"Your weird" he said. Again, that laglag panty smile he has.

"Well, it depends." I said.

"Depends on what?"

"Did you rape me?did something happen?" I blurted out. He was obviously surprised about my question, and laughed so hard.

"Rape!?!" He said,and kept laughing.

"I was under the influence of alcohol. I was not thinking clearly for sure. Vitiated consent can still be considered rape."

"Relax. Nothing happened. No need for the lawyer lecture"

That was embarassing.

"Here." He offered the coffee, and I took it.

"Where is my..." If embarrassment can kill, i sure feel like I will die right now.

"You vomited. Quite a lot actually. And then passed out, so i had no choice but to bring you here." He explained.

"Well. Cheers." I said shyly.

"Cheers" he bump his cup to mine and we had a good laugh.

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