Worth it

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I woke up in a day dream, I heard my King talking to me, and God.

Was I hallucinating?

Tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Hey, are you ok?" Lee asked me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You collapsed, somebody called Allen that you were in the hospital, right?" Kuya lee explained.

"Ya." Kuya allen replied, obviously pre occupied.

"How are you feeling aya?" Kuya timothy said, he looks concerned.

"Im ok" I lied. I can still feel the hole in my heart, a physical pain that feels like something was piercing my heart.

It was hard to breath.

But, it was harder to remember, what had happened to King and I.

"So, what aya's condition now?" Kuya lee asked.

"We will undergo a series of lab test for aya, and then we can conclude" Kuya allen said.

"Paging doctor allen, paging doctor allen, please proceed to the emergency room area."

"I'll come back here later, you guys can go back first. I'll take care of aya."

"But..." kuya timothy said.

"Mom and Dad are waiting for you, they need you guys to confirm aya's condition."

"He's right. Allen, take care of aya. We'll be back later." Kuya lee said.

"We dont let visitor here after 9. I'll stay with aya tonight."

"But, your a doctor here, cant you just tell them to let us pass" kuya timothy.

"That's the point. I am the head doctor here, and you want me to break our own rules here. Anyways, there's no point for all of us being useless here..." kuya allen said, as usual being the most strict.

Kuya timothy had no choice but to scowl.


"What did you just say?!" Kuya allen said.

"Enough. Fine. But, keep us updated for Aya's situation." Kuya lee said.

"Take care of her" he added.

"Yes, Aya take a rest first. Ill come back later." Kuya allen said and left.

Allen's perspective

I left them in the room, aya's face was sulken.

I never saw her like this, she looks so fragile. I took a deep breath.

Then I saw King sitting next to my sister's room.

"What are you doing here?!? Are you out of your mind!" I hissed at him.

He looks like a complete mess. He's still wearing the same clothes, he wore yesterday.

He looks like he will collapse in no time. Eyes swollen, with big dark eye bags. He looked like he lose weight in that 2 days.

From the way he looks, he looked more sick than my own sister.

"Hey. They cant see you." I told him. I tried to drag him.

"I'm not leaving her." He said. He pulled away from my arms. God, he's hard headed.

"Whatever. But, they cant see you here. Lee will kill you if he knew youre here."

"I dont fucking care. I will not leave her. Not anymore" he said. He sat down and I can see how serious he meant it.

"Ok. Fine. I'll let you see her"

His eyes lit up. He looked at me with hope on his eyes.

"I'll let you see her, but not now. Later, when everyone is not here." I told him.

"Do you promise?" He said, like a 5 year old kid asking if santa claus was real.

"Yes, now get up. Eat, take a rest and for crying out loud, take a bath. You stink. Aya, will not be happy to see you like this." I told him.

"Aya's awake?" He asked.

"Yes, she woke up a while ago. We will be running some test later. So go. Before they see you." I told him.

He stood up, and embrace me.

"Thanks, kuya allen." He said and left.

Kuya allen!? The fuck.

What have I gotten myself into.

I've always hated this guy and yet, I think. I think I saw what Aya saw in him.

Fuck. Im screwed.

Just friendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora