My Personal Paradise

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Everything was so fast, the next I realised we were boarding on a plane.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

I know you should not talk to strangers, even more to be with a stranger riding a plane going God knows where.

But, I dont know what's going on, but this felt right. I look at him, I dont know why but I feel I know him for such a long time.

And anyways, I had a talent for knowing who's the good guy.

We were in front of the ticket booth.

"Book us to the next flight now." He said.

"Where do you wanna go?" The girl asked.

"Just book us to any flight departing now." He said.

"We only have business class seats for the flight..."

"I dont care. Here book us" he gave his platinum card. He's obviously loaded.

"Where are we going?" I asked again.

The girl gave us the boarding pass.

"The plane will leave in 10 mins, you should go aboard now." She said.

As I looked at the boarding ticket... it says.


"Where going to BORACAY!?!" I screamed.

"Wow. Perfect. You wanted a beach right?" He said casually.

"But. But. But I dont have anything. I did not tell anyone where i am." I stater.

This will be my first time to ride a plane.

And I'm with a stranger whom I dont even know his name. What the heck have I gotten myself into.

He saw the paranoia in my eyes. He's eyes looked sad, and he gave me the ticket.

"I dont want to push you on something you dont want to do, if you decide to come. I'll be waiting there." He said.

He went to me, and gave me an unexpected hug. He looked really sad, but turn around quickly and left me.

I want to come. I really do. I want to be in Boracay, I want to see the beach and swim.

I have this tiny voice in my head that wants to be with him. OH SHIT. Is this how a rebound feels like?

I cannot do this. I rushed to the nearest phone and dialed to our home.

It kept ringing.

I reached the voice mail.

"Hi aling pasing, its me aya. I just went for a vacation, please dont be alarmed. I'm okay. I'll contact you as soon as I arrive at the beach. Tell mom and dad anf my kuya, ill be back soon. Thanks." I clicked the end button.

I rushed to the airplane. There I saw him, with his sulken face looking a far in the window.

I sat beside him.

"Is this seat free?" I said.

He looked so uninterested, until he saw my face. He's face was so bright with happiness.

"It's you!!!" He screamed. He was so happy. As I was.

Oh men. How can i feel this way, for a guy i barely know.

"I think your sitting in my sit." I joked him.

"Well we can share if you want" he said and offered his lap.

"I dont think so" i said, and gestured my hand pointing him to get out of the window seat.

He just smile, and gave up the seat.

The pilot has started talking, and the stewardess was starting to show the emergency information, I am starting to feel scared. I had the worst type of imagination, I kept thinking of how it would look like if the plane actually crashed.

Seriously, not the best imagination I can have in a plane.

"first time?" he asked.

I gave him a shy smile.

"with a stranger?" I joked.

He took my hand tightly, I was surprised but I felt better with him there.

We both secretly smiled.

The sky was so pretty, i can see the sun peeking out of the window, it was so beautiful, the clouds looks like white cotton candy.

It was so relaxing to see the clouds.

"You really don't have plans to talk to me right?" he asked.

"It's so beautiful" I said.

"Yes, i know." he said, looking straight at me. I have a feeling it was not just the scenery that he was referring to.

"Bolero." I said.

"I did not say anything." he smiled mischievously.

"Whatever." I said, looked back at the clouds, but I could not stop smiling.

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