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Aya' POV

I was sleeping, when a call woke me up.

It was king, it's already 3 a.m. why is he still awake?

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello love" he said - I think, although what he's saying is almost inaudible.

"Helloooooo! Can you hear me??? Helloooo!" He said.

"Hey, king. Are you drunk?" I asked him. It's not actually a question anymore. From the way he talks, he's fucked up drunk.

"Love, I think my phones broken" he said, but it was not me who he's talking to.

Who the hell is love?!

I cant believe how stupid he can be, did he call his other girlfriend and accidentally called me instead.

Whoever invented the word "forever" - fuck you. I said angrily in my mind.

I tried calling him, but the line was busy.

He can't be cheating. No he can't be.

I called again - no answer.

Your so dead when you become sober tomorrow king.

I almost gave up and was about to sleep when he called again.

"I wanna see you" he said. I wanted to answer him, but he wasn't talking to me, he was talking to someone...

I tried listening to their gibberish words.

All I understood was the words "I don't deserve her."

I felt sad. How can he think that way?

Is he blind? I'm the one who doesn't deserve him. His love. His affection. His sacrifices.

I ended the call, but I could no longer sleep.

"Queen, I'm coming to get you" he said laughing.

I panicked. Oh shit.

He can't go to my house, how will he go here? Does he know? No he doesn't. Right?

Shit. He's drunk. And mom and dad would hate him, if they met him now.

I tried calling kuya Allen, but he wasn't answering. Shit.

I tried going out of my room silently, so that nobody would see and follow me.

"What are you doing crawling on the bush?" A familiar voice said.

"Uhm. My earring fell on the grass, I'm trying to look for it." I said.

"Where? Let me -" he said.

"No. I mean, its fine. I can find it myself. You can leave. I'm good" I told him.

"I just want to-" he said, but I cut him off again.

"How many times do I need to tell you, just leave me alone!!" We were both surprised.

"Sorry. I wasn't trying to be rude" I apologized immediately."

"It's fine. I just want to help, that's all."

"I know, and I don't need it anymore." I told him. He looked sad, he turned away and left me.

It breaks my heart to hurt him, he's my best friend, up until all the crazy thing before - even before I fell for him. He was my best friend.

I slowly walked outside, waiting for king. I feel crazy, I wanted to see him, but I hate to see him as well.

How can he be so stupid.

After 30 mins, I saw his car almost hitting another car.

I think I almost had a heart attack.

He went out of the car, and was about to have a fight with the other driver.

"Are you blind!?!!!! Cant you fucking see I am going straight! Morron! " he said.

"I'm sorry, he's drunk. I'm really sorry. I'll handle him." I said to the other driver.

"He's lucky, he have you" the guy said.

"You ass hole! Are you flirting with my queen!?! She's mine!" He said, and passed out.

"Seriously. I'm sorry." I said.

"Do you need help?" He asked

"It's OK. We got this" a familiar voice said.

"Dilan" I said shocked. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. We are dead.

"OK. Just bring him home, he's dangerous to the society." The other driver said.

"I'm really sorry." I said.

Dilan took King from me, and put him at the back of the car.

"Were you following me?" I asked him.

"He's not good for you." He said.

"We don't need your help, we're fine. Thank you, you can leave us now." I told him.

"Do you know his house?" He asked. I wave my head.

"I'll just send him back home, you can go back to your room." He said.

"I'm not leaving him." I told him.

"Get in the car" he said.

I did. I sat at Dilan's side.

He started the engine.

"Who's the other guy?" He asked me.

"I don't know" I have no idea who he's with, where he lives or anything about him.

We were quite for 10 mins.

"I know you were not looking for your earrings." He blurted out.

"I was - "

"You don't like wearing earrings. It makes it hard for you to touch your ears right?" He said.

"I remember, I only saw you wear earrings twice, once was on your moms anniversary when she forced you and second on your finals exams, so that you won't touch your ears while taking the exam, because it makes you sleepy." He smiled.

"What happened to that aya?"

"She's gone." I told him.

"Are you gonna tell my family again?"

"Aya, I'm doing this for your own good." He said

"He's bad for you. Look at him, he's irresponsible, he has no direction, he has nothing." He said.

"He have me. And that's enough. You don't know him, so stop judging him." I said.

"Do you really know him?" He asked me.

I had nothing to answer. He got me.

"This is his house." He said.

"How do you know?"

"Because I do. I know him better than you do aya. And I'm telling you, he's up to no good."

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