Chapter 1

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The sky looked bruised and grey, snow covered everything on the ground including the old mental hospital turned prison that the bus full of prisoners grimly approached.
John started out the window at the looming guard towers that looked down upon the prison as the bus pulled in.
At least he'd get out of the bus and away from the cackling and chatter of the other prisoners that rattled on about how they had this and that in the streets. Like kids on a field trip or cheerleaders for hoes, shoes, cars and clothes they went on and on...saying what amounted to all of nothing. Fucking puppets he's not their fault American culture breeds perfect materialists, good little consumers willing to work themselves into the grave and pledge the soul of their first born for the latest iphone or some shit.
John reflected that it'd been that very same logic that brought him to his current station in life....chasing more, the ends justifying the means. If the fiends didn't buy dope from him they'd just go get it from someone else, it's not like he put a gun to their heads and made them smoke crack, shoot heroin or what the fuck ever. Nonetheless, while he was good at selling dope, the money never seemed to bring about anything good; as quick as it came was about as quick as it went. After years on the run from the consequences of his chosen behavior John felt oddly relieved to get started on putting his past behind him instead of continuing to run from it.
It wasn't a bad run, but he'd gone from selling dope, to using it and while doing so he ended up getting a woman pregnant while on bond for a sales and distribution charge. He'd sold to a C.I. * and within a few minutes of doing so he was getting pulled over for a 'traffic stop' that turned into his house getting raided two days later...the cops had just identified him with the bogus traffic stop then watched, waited and staged their raid after getting a warrant. The cops destroyed everything in his house, shot his pit bulls and spent a considerable amount of time trying to convince him to snitch then took him to jail. The same rat bastard C.I. that set him up broke into his house after the cops raided it, stole, sold and smoked up everything John had including his cars.
If it wasn't for his practice of stashing away what he liked to call 'fuck you money' at his mother's house he wouldn't have been able to post bond.
When he returned to his shell of a home it looked like the world ended. When he saw that he'd lost everything his 'fuck you money' quickly turned into 'fuck it money' and in a downward self destructive spiral he started getting high on his own supply.
Over the next two years of dragging out the dealing case, in so far as you can have a girlfriend when you're both getting high everyday, John managed to get her pregnant. He didn't believe her when she told him she was pregnant with his child. Then when she showed him proof, he didn't believe she was pregnant with his child. After some convincing however John came to believe that he was the father and with that belief came the fear that she'd lose the baby via miscarriage or at the hospital to social services when she delivered their child addicted or worse. His 'fuck it money' had went quickly between bond, lawyers, drugs, cars and bitches. He'd sunk to the level of hustling day to day to support his habit and hers. John soon found that he didn't much like himself anymore but a deep sense of moral obligation to his unborn child and a general loathing for this world prompted him to ensure that his child wouldn't be born into this world at a disadvantage because of the sins of the parents.
It was this logic that led him to try to persuade her to get clean so the child would be born healthy and she just wouldn't hear it. John decided to take matters into his own hands, if the stupid bitch was too selfish and inconsiderate to stop using for the baby's sake and stop poisoning a life that didn't ask to be brought into this world then he'd make sure that he had enough money and was in a better position to take custody of the child as soon as she delivered and then go from there to make sure their child had a good start, because she had no intention of stopping...and if he were honest with himself, neither did he.

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