Chapter 2

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Most of his life John had heard people offer excuses for why they'd behaved the way they did, often times they'd say: "man, I just wasn't thinking" John envied these people sometimes. It wasn't that John did things without thinking; no John couldn't stop thinking-ever.
The one time he just threw together a loosely knit and under thought out plan he actually executed it well and got away with it for a while. He'd written a note on a small oblong piece of paper that looked like a check. "This is a robbery, give me all the money." he wrote and he walked into First Mutual Bank and slid it to the teller, "Here you go I need to cash this" he'd said and then the startled young teller followed her training to the letter emptying her drawer and continuing to hand John bundled stacks of bills. At that point John refused the bundles, suspicious that they'd be layered with dye packs or GPS tracking devices. Besides, his pockets couldn't hold any more cash.
He'd went into the endeavor thinking he was going to get hundreds of thousands of dollars like he'd seen in the movies. Had he put more thought into the act and recalled that most of the bank robbers often wore some sort of disguise he'd probably have gotten away with the measly $12000 dollars he got that day.
It wasn't long before his face was all over the news. The day of the bank robbery he'd approached his pregnant girlfriend and tried to convince her to go to rehab promising her that he had enough money to ensure that her and the baby wouldn't have to struggle. All she needed to do was get clean and deliver their baby healthy.
The words from her mouth were like spoken broken glass; they just cut right into him, "I had an abortion" she'd said. This drove John deeper into the abyss. Regretting his actions he went and hid $4,000 of the money at his mom's and then blew the rest on crack and whores. The following day he called the courthouse where he was scheduled to appear for a hearing on his dealing charge and told the judge that he knew the police and the FBI were looking for him and that he had court that day at 9:00 a.m. and he had a warrant already from missing the last court date, he told the judge over the phone he didn't want anyone to get hurt so he would just turn himself in that day at the hearing. The judge  told him to come on in,  they'd be waiting for him.
John beat the police and the FBI there. He started to get cold feet but his indecision was interrupted by the police and FBI as he turned around to leave the courtroom door.
4 months after sitting in jail John saw news of a woman found dead in a dumpster behind a second hand furniture store in his neighborhood and soon found out that that woman was none other than his still pregnant girlfriend dead of a heroin overdose.
She'd lied about having had an abortion just to get him to stop trying to convince her to go to rehab...she just couldn't stop getting high.
Rumors that she'd been killed for circulating counterfeit money in drug transactions and also that she'd been given a hot shot (a lethal dose of heroin intended to kill) or that she just overdosed somewhere and been dumped in the dumpster circulated.
The cops said that she crawled into the dumpster to shoot up and overdosed there...that must've been it...because every woman that gets high crawls into a dumpster in broad daylight, midsummer at noon wrapped in a sheet to shoot up as opposed to elsewhere... sure... you move a dead body in a sheet so you don't have to touch it and leave behind forensic evidence the cops just didn't give a fuck, just another dead junkie.
If she'd been some well born and well healed fucking senators daughter the entire neighborhood would have been ripped to shreds till they found the party responsible or made one up and new legislation would have followed, public service announcements and all that shit. Instead his Zara and child left this world largely unnoticed and the circumstances under investigated.
There's no higher form of suffering than outliving one's child John learned, and he swore he'd introduce the party responsible to that very same suffering one day
At sentencing John pled guilty but mentally ill and was sentenced to 6 years in prison. The state agreed to dismiss the dealing charge since the evidence had somehow disappeared along  with the confidential informant (the states star witness)
A deputy in charge of the evidence locker had been caught stealing large quantities of drugs from evidence and giving them to her boyfriend to sell, the drugs seized when the cops raided Johns house were among those she'd stolen from evidence. Ironically,the same CI that set up John had tried to set up the deputies drug dealer boyfriend and no one ever saw or heard from him again. The State didn't have a case that they'd win at trial, they had to drop it conveniently in exchange for Johns guilty plea to the bank robbery. Because John turned himself in and didn't use a weapon or hurt anyone the feds didn't pick up the bank robbery, if they had John would've gone to prison for a long time. Instead, at sentencing, John, now a full-fledged drug addict was ordered to complete a treatment program in prison and it was this prison famed to be the 10th worst in America that he would be going through treatment in. He stepped off the bus and took in his surroundings.

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