Chapter 8

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It was early in the morning, the sun rose slowly as John stepped out on to the hotel room balcony. Logan was on the balcony next door, "Good morning John" he said. "I couldn't rest at all last night, I keep seeing that junkie dead in this room." John said as he stared at the sunrise. "I've been meaning to get to that, I wasn't sure if you were ready" Logan said. "What are you talking about?" John asked puzzled. Logan seemed to change as he spoke "John, that wasn't just some junkie you witnessed was you. It's hard for most travellers to let go of their past attachments, many wander for centuries aimlessly...still refusing or unable to accept the fact that they've died." Logan said. "You're telling me I'm dead?" John asked. Logan continued evenly  "John, I chose this form to help you let go of the past. I am what you humans refer to as the angel of death. The whole hooded skeleton and sickle..the grim reaper depiction is just an embodiment of human fear. You're not dead your body is. Death isn't about fear, it's freedom. The suffering, the torment of the soul, is all proportionate to the extent that people have framed their realties around hopes,fears, uncertainties and attachments to all that was and the notions of what could have been. The past is a heavy anchor as is the indeterminable future. There is no more future John.  All that you ever were, is what you are in this infinite and perpetual now. For you souls that are now free of the animal skins in which you were clothed in the beginning, the hardest thing for me to convince you of is that you are in fact free. The past is full of pain and regret for most, the future full of hopes, fears and uncertainties, upon this foundation souls build their own hell, their tormentors are the very memories and affinities that they cannot let go of." John looked down and around him and realized that the world around him had changed...the entire universe sprawled before him. "Your attachments will simply shrink in around you like the flesh you departed and pull you down if you try to return...many human messengers try to convey this but the words and the concepts often get lost or confused in translation...they're only able to interpret that which is revealed to them by using the actions, images, words, and phrases with which they're familiar." Logan explained. " There are those whose attachments are so powerful that their fear of loss prompts them to project their fears upon others so as to control them, reasoning that their losses might be avoided. Those that lord fear over others are themselves the most frightened, and often the most frightening. Hitlers attempt to resolve his resentments toward his mother, God and Jews through wholesale genocide are a good example of the souls efforts to cling to the flesh. The flesh is a prison, the soul its prisoner. Know now that you are no longer, slip shod, hoodwinked and toed by the cable of the flesh. You have been, and always will be forever ancient and free. You may be everywhere and nowhere all at once, unhindered and unfettered by the deceit that imprisoned you. Be enlightened and be the light that you always were. This is where you begin."
The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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