Chapter 6

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John had amassed several things while at the work release center, a Chrysler 300 and several electronics including a laptop and a cellphone. He'd enrolled in community college and worked 3rd shift at a factory. Work and college just kept him busy enough to avoid sitting around the work release center too much. If he wasn't sleeping or showering he wasn't there. "So this concludes the section on the Open Systems Interconnect Model, let's review each layer briefly..." said the instructor. Briefly, was an understatement. The instructor seemed to drone on forever, and John realized that he was going to be late, just as he started to doze off. He jumped up, hurriedly, collected his things and left. He was already five minutes past his 'due back time' when his cellphone rang. He recoginzed Julies voice instantly, her cynical voice " I got you now motherfucker, you're going back to prison and you're getting an escape charge. Hope whatever bitch you're running around with was worth it...replace that, bitch.." and she hung up. So that was her plan all along John thought. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She'd found an opportunity to exact her revenge upon him for 'replacing' her all those years ago. Apparently he'd offended her ego. Well, back into the wind John thought. He knew he'd go to jail and back to prison immediately if he returned to work release. He was going back to prison regardless of whenever the authorities caught up with him. He'd lost everything he'd amassed while at work release, all he had in the world now was that which was in his immediate possession.
After couch surfing between friends, acqaintences and girlfriends John's funds started to get low and he found himself playing the middle man in various drug transactions to the point where he reasoned it'd be less hassle and more lucrative for him to cut out the middle man altogether and just sell directly to the clientelle he'd inadvertantly built up as he couch surfed.
The course of his renewed entrepreneurial endeavor as a mobile street pharmacist carried him from crack house to shooting gallery, car to car, and motel to motel on a regular basis. He found himself setting up what one might think of as strategic stocking locations, basically several self storage units where he'd leave most of his product and meager possesions so he could travel light instead of looking like a transient everywhere he went as such appearances naturally invited unwanted attention in his experience. By travelling light he was able to blend in easier and disappear faster without leaving behind or getting caught up with too much of anything if for example he had to evade capture by the authorities.
The cops were probably not actively searching for him but any encounter that resulted in his identity being scrutinized would uncover his status as a fugitive and John Maze would be on his way back to the same prison he just left.

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