A Slice Of Cake

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It was the last day of the school year and the final periodical test was coming up. Kairu and Tsuki had been busy studying all night. They had been studying for weeks, and they were determined to ace the test. They had set a goal for themselves to both graduate at the top of their class and go to the same school for senior high school.

As they sat in class waiting for the test to begin, they noticed that some of their classmates were acting strange. They seemed nervous and excited, and some were even giggling and whispering to each other. Kairu and Tsuki looked at each other and shrugged, not really understanding what was going on.

As the test was distributed, Kairu and Tsuki immediately began to write. They were confident and focused, not letting anything distracts them. They were determined to finish the test in record time and get the highest score.

As they wrote, they realized that some of the questions were quite difficult and they found themselves struggling. For the first time, they began to feel a bit nervous. They had never faced such a challenging test before.

After what seemed like an eternity, the test was over. Kairu and Tsuki submitted their papers, feeling a mix of pride and anxiety. They were proud of how much they had studied and how well they had done, but they were anxious about the results.

After school, Kairu and Tsuki walked home together, discussing the test and their plans for the summer. Suddenly, they heard a group of girls laughing and giggling behind them. Kairu and Tsuki turned around and saw that it was some of their classmates.

The girls walked up to them and started talking to them. Kairu and Tsuki were surprised, having never really paid attention to these girls before. They were polite, but they didn't seem interested in getting to know the girls better.

As they continued walking, Kairu and Tsuki noticed that the girls were still following them. They were starting to get annoyed, feeling like the girls were being intrusive. They finally turned around and asked them what they wanted.

The girls giggled and told them that they thought Kairu and Tsuki were cute. Kairu and Tsuki were taken aback, not really knowing how to respond. They had never really thought about dating or relationships before, let alone with any of their classmates.

After a moment of awkward silence, Kairu and Tsuki thanked the girls for their attention, but told them that they were not interested in a relationship at the moment. The girls shrugged and walked away, still giggling.

The rest of the summer passed by in a blur. Kairu and Tsuki spent most of their time playing soccer and going on hikes. They didn't really think about the girls they had met after the test, and they didn't really think about relationships.

As the start of senior high school came closer, Kairu and Tsuki began to feel a bit anxious. They knew that the next two years would be important, and that they would have to work even harder to achieve their goals.

On the first day of senior high school, Kairu and Tsuki walked into the classroom and looked around. They noticed that some of their classmates from junior high school were in the same class, including some of the girls from the test.

As they sat down, the girls greeted them and started chatting with them. Kairu and Tsuki were surprised, but they were happy to make new friends. They began to learn more about each other, and they found that they had a lot in common.

One day, Kairu and Tsuki were in their favorite café after school, talking to some of the girls. Suddenly, one of the girls asked them if they had ever been in a relationship before. Kairu and Tsuki looked at each other, feeling a bit tensed.

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