A Cup Of Coffee

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Tsuki and Kairu sat opposite each other in their favorite café, the one that they used to come to with their girlfriends. Now, they were here with their wives, Ish and Rai.

It had been years since Tsuki and Kairu had seen each other. They had been best friends since they were kids. They grew up together in the same neighborhood, went to the same school, and even went to the same college. They were inseparable until Tsuki decided to get married to Rai.

Tsuki had known Rai for a long time and they fell in love. Kairu was happy for his friend, but at the same time, he felt a little left out. The double dates that they used to have with their girlfriends had now turned into just Tsuki and Rai. Kairu had gotten a girlfriend, Ish, but he missed the times when they were all together.

So, when Tsuki and Rai walked into the café, they were surprised to see Kairu and Ish sitting there. They exchanged awkward glances and then decided to talk about their memories of the café.

"This place hasn't changed a bit," Kairu said, looking around.

"Yeah, remember the time we all came here for your anniversary ?" Tsuki added.

"Of course I do,"  Kairu replied, smiling at the memory.

They talked about the old times, especially all those double dates that they went on. Those were the days when they were all single and carefree. They reminisced about the times they laughed, fought, and cried here. They even talked about their old girlfriends and how it felt to be in love.

Tsuki felt guilty for getting married and losing touch with Kairu. He had always thought of Kairu as his brother, but things changed after he got married. He made a promise to himself that he would make more of an effort to stay in touch with Kairu.

Kairu, on the other hand, had moved on from those times. He had found Ish, and they were happy together. He missed Tsuki, but he didn't dwell on it. He had learned that people come and go from our lives, and it's up to us to make the best of it.

After a while, they ordered their favorite  Caramel Macchiato and cakes. They chatted about their current lives, their jobs, and their plans for the future. They caught up on all the missed years, and there was no awkwardness between them anymore.

As they left the café, Tsuki and Kairu hugged each other. It was a long and tight embrace, and it was a sign that their friendship was still strong. They promised to stay in touch and to visit each other more often. They left with a renewed sense of their friendship, and they were both happy that they had met again.

Tsuki and Kairu walked away from the café, holding hands with their wives. They had all changed, and their lives had gone in different directions, but they were still connected by their memories of the café. They knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what.

Kairu and Tsuki's unexpected reunion at their favorite cafe was nothing short of nostalgic. They spent hours talking about their lives, their families, and their work.

Kairu, who was now a successful businessman, reminisced about their college days where the two boys would spend hours discussing business ideas and how they could change the world together.

Tsuki, on the other hand, was now a renowned artist, who had made a name for himself in the contemporary art world. His creations adorned the walls of art galleries all over the city. The two childhood friends caught up on their lives with an enthusiasm that only long-lost friends could exude. They talked about their families, their hobbies and how much they missed each other's company.

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