Frappe Moments

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They were known as the inseparable four, as they would always hang out together and support each other in everything. It was a beautiful relationship, built on trust, respect, and love.

Ish and Rai were best friends long before they met Kairu and Tsuki. They were often inseparable, and they shared their secrets and problems with each other. When Kairu and Tsuki entered their lives, they were hesitant at first, but after getting to know them, they became good friends too.

Kairu and Ish had been dating for two years now, and their love for each other had only grown stronger with time. They had their ups and downs but always managed to work things out. Kairu respected Ish's opinions and beliefs, and he always listened to her with an open mind.

On one particular day, Kairu and Ish were on their way to the cafe to meet Tsuki and Rai for their regular double date. But something was different this time. Kairu had planned a surprise for Ish, and he was excited to see her reaction.

As they entered the cafe, Tsuki and Rai were already there, seated at their regular table. They greeted each other and ordered their favorite drinks. Kairu seemed a little nervous, but Ish didn't notice anything unusual. She was busy chatting with Rai and catching up on their week.

After a while, Kairu excused himself and went to talk to the cafe staff. He came back with a small cake, beautifully decorated with Ish's favorite flowers. She was surprised and thrilled at the same time. Kairu had never done anything like this before, and it made her heart beat faster.

Tsuki and Rai cheered and clapped as Kairu put the cake on the table. They urged them to share a piece with everyone, and they happily obliged. As they savored the delicious cake, Kairu looked at Ish with a sparkle in his eyes. He told her how much he loved her and appreciated her presence in his life.

Ish blushed and smiled, feeling grateful for having such a caring and loving boyfriend. They hugged, and Kairu whispered in her ear, "Happy anniversary, my love." Ish couldn't believe it had already been two years since they started dating. Time flew so fast when they were together.

Their friends congratulated them and toasted to their beautiful relationship. They talked about their own experiences in love, and how Kairu and Tsuki had set the bar high for their boyfriends, making them strive to be better every day.

It was a blissful evening, filled with love, laughter, and joy. They promised to keep supporting each other in all their endeavors and to be there for each other, no matter what.

But little did they know, life had its own plans.

A few months after their third anniversary, Kairu was offered a job in another city. It was a great opportunity for him, but it meant they would have to be in a long-distance relationship for a while until they figured things out. Ish was sad but supportive of his decision. She knew it was a great opportunity for him, and she didn't want to hold him back.

They promised to stay in touch, and Kairu promised to visit her every chance he got. They were both excited for the new chapter in their lives.

But as time passed, things started to get harder. They were not used to being apart, and the distance was taking a toll on their relationship. They tried their best to keep the flame alive, but it seemed like they were drifting apart.

Kairu was busy at work, and Ish was busy with her studies. They both had their own lives, but they missed each other terribly. The calls and texts that used to come regularly became less frequent. They tried to hide their feelings from each other, but it was evident that something was wrong.

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